Speakers popping when starting or turning car off

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Promodmerc, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. Promodmerc

    Promodmerc Full Member


    I put in a new sub amp & sub over the weekend. Now when I start or turn the car off all the speakers & sub pop. It does it with the face plate on or off and when putting the face plate on. It also does it if the HU is on or off.

    The front & rear speakers are ran off amps as well.

    It just started this after installing the new amp & sub. I'm thinking it is either an RCA cable issue or bad ground.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2011
  2. hss2010

    hss2010 Full Member

    i do know that some cd decks will cause a pop noise when turning on or off the car. its from the built in amp powering on or off. not sure if its the case for you but im almost positive you wouldnt get a pop from all speakers and such if there was a short some where. If there was a short most decks have a built in safety feature that will not allow music to play or anything to prevent you from damaging it.
  3. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    did you tie in the remote turn on for your amps to the ignition?
  4. Promodmerc

    Promodmerc Full Member

    No. It is ran off the HU. The only thing I did was add new amp and sub. I did move the sub amp location and re-ran the RCA for the sub. I had it fixed for a brief minute as I changed where I had the amp grounded.

    Another strange thing I noticed tonight after relocating the ground wire is I here my electric door locks through the sub
    when I lock or unlock the car. I wonder if I ran the RCA over the wiring harness somewhere. It never did what it's doing until I put in the new amp & sub.
  5. Promodmerc

    Promodmerc Full Member

    Arrgghh double posted somehow.
  6. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    where is your HU grounded? Ground it at the same general location as your highs amp.. Check for pinched cables, or even ones that have the insulation sraped away, look at the details... this can be a pain, i know...but needs to be done...
  7. Promodmerc

    Promodmerc Full Member

    The HU is grounded through the factory harness. A pinched RCA is a possibility. I decided until I get it fixed that i would drive my other car as I don't want to chance damaging something. When I went to move the cars around the one I'm having the problem with I could here whining (like an alternator noise) in the front & rear speakers plus engine idle in my tweeters. I can also hear my head lights turn on through the sub.
  8. Promodmerc

    Promodmerc Full Member

    I'm going to shoot myself. What was causing my problem is I had bumped the offset switch on the sub amp :mad:. I spent damn near 3 hours tonight trying new power cable to the amp, new ground wire to the amp, & new RCA cable to the amp. At least it's fixed :)

    Now to figure out why my auxiliary fog lights are shorting out and blowing a fuse.

    As Gilda Radner said " It's always something"
  9. Promodmerc

    Promodmerc Full Member

    I also ended up having a bad RCA for the sub amp. I replaced it with a Kicker twisted RCA cable and all is well. :)