sounddomain - Am I way off??

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by kbog, Aug 31, 2002.

  1. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    I posted a thread over at CAF, but was rather ambiguous because people love to flame over there. I'm going to be specific here. I sent an email to sales and service of sounddomain. Please read this as if I sent it to you. Do I have any grounds here or am I wasting my time. Now I'm not hell bent about this, just annoyed. Everything you need to evaluate this is in the email:

    To Whom it may concern,

    I recently placed my first order with (#JZxxxxxxx) and have found it to be a bit frustrating. I hope you can help. I ordered a quick disconnect made by Stinger which is found on this page:

    I DID see that the part is sold individually, however it was unclear to me that you need 2 of them for a continuous connection. It did not say so in your description. However, after I ordered just one of these (along with a few other products) I found this page:

    This looks like the identical product from Phoenix Gold. Your description however, is a bit more clear to me. It says " 2 PC174s are required for a continuous connection". Now, of course 5 days has elapsed and my package was in transit already.

    I looked at some other sites to see if your description of the Stinger product was the norm and I was simply naive about the product. I then found this from one of your competitors:

    The same Phoenix Gold part, with a MUCH more detailed description. I especially like the part that reads"requires 2 pieces for male female operation". I also noticed that the price was cheaper here.

    So now I'm stuck with a delay on my project. I need another disconnect which incurs not just the price of the product, but another shipping charge. I feel that if your description were better on the Stinger product, this may not have happened. On top of that, I found the same product cheaper at another site. I, however, wish to remain a Sounddomain customer and hope that we can reach a mutual agreement. Is there anything that you folks can do for me? I thank you in advance for your time and help in this matter.

    Last edited by kbog at Sep 1 2002, 01:53 AM
  2. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    Ok so there it is. I edited the order # out.

    Do I have a case or am I the moron for blundering? :(
  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Hmmm. Well, I'll tell you what. Here is what the atricle says...

    While it may have been put better, It does say it right there. You may get what you want, however, SD is a big buisness, and they are far more likely to keep a customer happy. This is just chump change to them and while the may bitch about it, if you give them hell a few times, you should get what you want.

    Last edited by Michael at Sep 2 2002, 04:34 PM
  4. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    Why didn't the forum email me when you replied??

    Yeah, that's my concern too. I made mention of that fact in the email, but the other descriptions are truly more clear to me.
  5. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    Any other opinions on this?
  6. SD stinks IMO. It took them 7 days to tell me that the stuff I wanted was on back order!!!!
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    damn edit and quote buttons are too close lol


    SD Customer service is not all that great

    here is what I have picked up from people

    1> they take for ever (and some time not at all ) to respond to emails
    2> Phone Support is rude and unhelpful
    3> No notifcation of Out of stocks, you order is just automaticlly held

    but in this case, i dont see where SD is to Blame IMO
  8. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    Hey Mike, do you carry any of those parts?
  9. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    Well, I never received an email back, so I called them. They picked up the shipping costs on another terminal. This was what I wanted, so I'm happy with it.
  10. ryno4

    ryno4 Full Member

    Well look who it is...

    You seem to dissapear from time to time I never can keep tabs on you.

    Sorry to hear about your mishaps.

    Hows the sub?

    You should see what Adam at Audio Obsessions has in stock now! WOW! It's like a whole new product line.

    Well I am trying to get to send my sub back , it's just been so busy with school and work, and my dirtbike and my car.

    But how was your first day of school? Heh Heh Heh :lol:

    Well keep in touch. I think I am going to work on some fiberglass soon
  11. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    Haven't seen Adam in a long time. Good to hear you are doing well. Send that sub back you bonehead :D .

    School is...well school.