Ok. Now no lie this is really my system I got everything I name here. Now i want to know what you guys think. and what else i would need to make this system work flawlessly. Eclipse AVN6600 Double Din 2 sets of jl audio xr 570 components eclipse mre-700 headrest monitors eclipse wireless headphones 2 jl audio 12w7 subs 2 jl audio 1000/1 amps 1 jl audio 300/4 amp eclipse ipod module
ok, the component sets have crossovers. now i was going to use the jl audio rca's the super ones. i guess you could call them. i talked to the store thats going to hook it all up and he said that the power wire would be 0 gauge in and 2 gauge out. and im still trying to find a high alternator i asked in the other forum room so.
huh???? what do you mean 0 gauge in and 2 gauge out?? power and ground cables need to be the same size
well thats what the guy told me, that it would be 0 gauge going in the block and 2 gauge coming out the block to the amps.
naw but thats about it. i was just wondering what i should do to it as far as getting alternators and a second battery same **** i've been trying to get information on. and if i should get a wood or plexiglass box. u know just ideas