Song on Reign of Fire

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Lowlivin2002, Jun 29, 2002.

  1. Lowlivin2002

    Lowlivin2002 Full Member

    Does anyone know the song they ply inte Reign of Fire trailer? It sounds bad ass and I can't find the song!!
  2. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member

    no idea
    there is too much talking
    i cant make out any lyrics to see who it sounds like
    the bass player seems familiar to me
  3. Lowlivin2002

    Lowlivin2002 Full Member

    I found out the song is "Boom" by P.O.D., thanks for the effort Kreklor:D We happened to be liftingweights at the gym, My friend Lee, my bro and I, and they played that song. So, thankfully, it ended my long search. The song is tight, but the movie looks tighter!!!
  4. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member

    thats boom?
    let me listen to it again......
    2 min later....

    no way in hell thats boom

    sorry, unless i have a different trailer, your wrong
  5. Lowlivin2002

    Lowlivin2002 Full Member

    You have a different trailer. The one on TV they show all the time, I am 100% positive it's "Boom"!!
  6. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member

    well thats not a trailer then silly
    trailers are the long ones they show in theaters
  7. Lowlivin2002

    Lowlivin2002 Full Member

    Yeah, I think it's the teaser that has "Boom" playing on it. Still, cool song, lol!!! Can't wait till the 12th!!!