Some Feedback...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by I8apony19, Dec 12, 2003.

  1. I8apony19

    I8apony19 Full Member

    I'm just wondering if anyone really wants to see a support forum for Stereo Integrity.....I know that a SoundIllusions has the eD forum, but it is quite obvious that some of you left for that exact reason....

    I emailed Michael about this..but at the same time I'd like to get a feel about what people have to say about support forums in the benefits outweight the costs and so on...

    Some of us guys at SI just wish we could answer more questions that people have about SI because several times people are clueless about what SI offers...and what it's all about..

    We just want to answer questions...we don't want comparisons or sales info or business related questions...just straight up Magnum questions....

    Don't hold back people...I'm open to anything/everything regardless if it's constructive criticism or not....since it'll prolly be on my tab...

    Oh last note...Unless people want to see an SI rep/employee moderating this type of forum, I'm actually urging that someone who has zero affiliation with it to control it's conversation....
  2. I8apony19

    I8apony19 Full Member

    oh yeah...Someone tell me if this really should or should not belong here...I dunno my boundaries....
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Like I sent in the Email

    Car Audio Talk, will never ever be allowed to operate in a biased manner seen on other forums

    it it gets thnat way I will personally pull the plug,

    Support forums on this site were set up for just the purpose you have described

    Normall the Fees with this service are shown here

    but since we are still small, and I want to attact new members, I will wave those fee's
  4. black00

    black00 Full Member

    that means

    "if it gets that way"
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I think we have found the official gibberish translator lol
  6. I8apony19

    I8apony19 Full Member

    Thanks Michael....

    Anyone else have anything to say about this??
  7. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    i do...

    "magnum, the only size that fits"

    ok thanks!

  8. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    My opinion is that it's not Ed's forum that made SI.N something to be avoided. It's the personalities, and behaviors that are encouraged as opposed to discouraged that make it what it is.
    The forums - any forum - is only what the sum total of it's members are. And my opinion is, free-thinkers are discouraged, and berated and gang-beaten if they continue to exist on some of these forums. ;)

    The 'lemming' mentality that you allude to isn't exclusive to SI.N.
    Every forum has it's own "favorite brands". One of my favorites, CAF, is the same way, quite a lot of favoritism towards Ed, and there's no Ed forum on CAF.

    I would like to put out there, that brands become trendy on the forums because they are a product that has shown integrity, or ideals that forumgoers on that forum seek out.
    That is, they are popular because they are good.
    That's not a bad thing. ;)

    The only bad side is when "lemmings" develop, and buy simply because everyone else told them "that is the best", and realistically that person (and even many of the recommenders) haven't even established what their own personal desires are, to know what "best" would be, for them, personally.
    Hey, part of me (as a manufacturer) says "bring on the lemmings and popularity!" :D
    But the other side of me doesn't really want to see that, because the blind popularity portion (lemming) will eventually turn into backlash... that's not good for the company... who is honestly an innocent victim when this plays out. :(

    On TermPro, it's different brands, different models...
    Different mentalities, different personalities, different interests...
    That's not a bad thing either...
    It illustrates how different people can be, on one forum, compared to another.

    We've got a bit of an "Adire thing" going here... nothing wrong with that either! I like to think that the recommendations given here on this forum are a bit more thought out, and more with the concern of the individual seeking recommendation... and the Adire recommendations and favoritism here is also perfectly understandable.

    Anyway, getting back on track...
    I personally think that brand-specific forums should probably be tied to the manufacturer's web page.
    That way, there is no confusion over whether the forum is brand-biased, moderated to the favor of the brand, or not... what I mean is, the viewer will at least expect the worst... and if he's pleasantly presented with a very unbiased, objective forum... then that'll actually (hopefully) improve that person's impression of the manufacturer.

    Just my opinion. B)
  9. I8apony19

    I8apony19 Full Member

    I think you just summed up every forum known to man....and did a hell of a job doing it to...
  10. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member


    I've "been around"... :lol:
  11. josh99ta

    josh99ta Full Member

    Yep, thats one of the first things I learned on this forum. Geolemon gets around, he's not a shy guy. Keep your distance though, I've heard with all that "getting around" that he might have some dreaded STD or even worse, the cooties :p

    And now for an on-topic post, I think Michael has the right idea. I would love to see an SI home forum since I have mucho respect for Nick and all that he's done, as well as the fact that he puts out an awesome product, but then there is a possiblity that the open-minded nature of this site may be compromised by followeres who are quick to shout SI and down everything else without ever hearing other things. Thats one of the things that really gets me about other forums. You can have a page full of suggestions from tons of people saying how Product X is the best, get it, yet they have never even heard Product Y.
  12. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Easy enough. Nick, you need an online dealer, I'm your man... Support forum? You got mine. Problem solved :).