Site Back -- Sorry

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Mar 16, 2004.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Sorry for the Delay, I moved servers and some how the DNS Info got corrupted so I had to change Namservers (which was going to be done anyway but in the background with no downtime) so it took a while to get it back

    Now everything is ok, and we are on new servers

    Please Note that all bookmarks will no longer work, the Director has changed,

    if you have bookmarks, and would like them updated email me or post them in the "site feedback" forum and I will recode them for the Current site

    I did this so I can better track the stats for this site
  2. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    The link for the forums used to be
    And now it's

    BTW, Michael.. it seems slower to me, loading the main page.
    Is anyone else getting a slow load time, for the main page?
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    yes, that has been reported before in another thread

    it was like that on the other server too

    I have not yet figured out why, so I will probally be taking down that page and putting up a tempory one until 2.0 come out ;)
  4. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member


    also, noticed some of the smileys are broken... if you look through the pre-switch threads. :unsure:

    I'll start a thread asking for issues that people noticed, if there are any, so they can be swept up quick. :cool:
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    yea, they probally will be

    they are Direct linked instead of being realtive

    I am going to set up a redirect from the old address to this one which should solve that issue
  6. jstutman

    jstutman Full Member

    it had been awile since i have visited, i was afraid your site went down or you gave up on it michael, glad to see its back :bye: