I need a box designed for a single alphasonic 12. It needs to be ported. It can be as big as it needs to be. It'll be going into the trunk of a chevy aveo. I need to get the most out of this sub as possible. SQ isn't that important just needs to be loud. Thanks Lazyeye Sub: http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/p_25394_Alphasonik_PSW812E.aspx
just design the box, tuning and size. I build my own but I'm not very good at figure out what to tune it to. Hopefully ranger will chime in ha
I found the theile small parameters in the manual from the company website here on page 12: http://www.alphasonikinc.com/tech/manuals/800ESeries.pdf But it seems one of the parameters are incorrect for that driver I'm guessing it's the qms figure, but even if I let WinISD autocalculate qms from the other quoted specs, I get a sub with 84db efficiency, and it doesn't want to play very loudly. How many watts were you planning to use? And why have you chosen this sub?
it's for a friend. He had 2 of them in a ported box on a power acoustik bamf 4000 but one needs reconed so we decided to build a box for just one