Shiva Vs. E12K, a head to head review...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by sandt38, Oct 9, 2002.

  1. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I have had the pleasure of hearing both woofers in sealed applications. I had the Shivas in 2 feet for a while and pulled them down to 1.5. With 2 foot I heard the 2 Shivas, in 1.5 I have heard 1 of my old Shivas, and 1 E12K. I will give some insight...

    At 2 feet for the Shivas, I felt they got a bit lower, and didn't really seem to struggle with the lower notes like the E12K did. The Qts of both drivers suggest ported enclosures, and I feel the K might be happier ported than the Shiva from what I heard. The dual Shivas were obviously louder, but I have heard the single Shiva in 1.5 feet (less than flattering for SQ, yet pretty good from an SPL standpoint) in the same car/amp/enclosure/placement etc., as the K, and I will report.

    The K does better in in every aspect other than those above. The single to single comparison, I felt, really left me more fond of the E12K in many aspects than the Shiva. It looks great, it is quite accurate, surprisingly loud, and priced quite nicely. One on one the E12K is louder, no doubt. Accuracy was quite close, so close I refuse to give an edge to either driver. Enclosure size requirements, options for coil configurations, and overall apearance goes hands down to the K series.

    I do love the Shiva, it is one of the best performers for the dollar. I think Ben has hit a homerun with this driver in that it is on par with the Shiva in overall performance. It does win in a few categories, and I'd really have to say for most car audiophiles on a space and dollar budget, it will suit their needs quite well. The Shiva was designed for home theater use, and it does exhibit some of the drawbacks of that design. The K was designed for in car use, and I think Ben has set a new standard in automotive subwoofers.

    Nice work Ben...
  2. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    sweet, now I want a review of teh brahma vs. SP damnit :D
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well you have taken the first step towards breaking your adire addiction

    maybe geo, and the better audio team will destory your addiction all together :D :lol:
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I wouldn't go that far. I do love the Shiva and will put it to work in the HT. As I said, the K series woofer is better suited for the car, it was designed for that purpose...

    We shall see. I'm waiting for Geo to send me the prototype for testing ;)