Shameless Plug

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by One Eyed Jack, Apr 19, 2002.

  1. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    You are the biggest tool ever....EVER!
  2. One Eyed Jack

    One Eyed Jack Full Member

    do you not realize who i am? heh
  3. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    :asshole: :dunno: ?
  4. JTz62

    JTz62 Full Member

    Heh heh.....nice
  5. PimpinInMyJeep

    PimpinInMyJeep Full Member

    dont be as bad as GB about pluggin your shit
  6. The Belgian

    The Belgian Full Member

    You really have too much time at your hands don't you? The ridicule... :rolleyes:

    Get a life. Join the army or something. :flag:
  7. The Belgian

    The Belgian Full Member

    Nah, Jack.
  8. PimpinInMyJeep

    PimpinInMyJeep Full Member

    ...just checking