Well I'm selling my 19Ov.2 i have a potential buyer...hopefully the buyer goes through with it. I will most likely purchase another 19Ov.2 in the future...right now I just want to upgrade everything else... new head unit which i'm ordering this week ordering some edead to deaden my doors and back hatch get some 0 gauge wiring and fix the door speakers...they are rattling now cuz a few bolts are loose...I need to make some baffles and deaden those bastards. I just want better sound....as for my substage...i really wanna find time to finish my transmission line for the 12W6. It's taking the 9.1 quite easily right now...haven't smelled anything yet even though im giving it TWICE the rated rms power
technically if your trying to sell this is should be in classifieds however i see no price listed.... your call list a price and ill copy this to classifieds...
i dont think hes trying to sell it on the forums. hes just lettin everyone know cuz we all knew he had it and was bragin about it soooo much
yeah...im not listing it here lol its just a thread to let ppl here know. don't worry...i will soon get another one.
azn's shaking in his boots haha, upgrade! upgrade! I kind of have the cash to order the cerwin vega stroker right now but not really lol. Will see what happens.