how much power should i throw to this combination now that the box is almost built i have a 300 watt kicker amp but a friend of mine says ill be needing more like 900 wats for it one subwoofer is 150 rms and 300 max i was thinking 450-500 would be the match for it also the subwoofers are 4 ohm could i drop them down to 2 ohm or even 1 ohm would it be safe or recommended??? the sub woofers are also single coil how should i wire the box up? i currently have a kicker 300.1 amp will this be enough?
yes, your kicker 300.1 should be enough to push 2 of the subs you have, keep in mind, that amp is only 2 or 4ohm stable, do NOT wire speakers to 1ohm.... since you say your speakers are 4ohm single voice coil, here is how you wire them up
in that case you'll surely need a 1ohm stable amp, shouldn't bee too hard to find... you need one that does 450 RMS at 1ohm.... heres a picture of the set up