Sandt38 building an SPL car?!?!?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by sandt38, Nov 22, 2002.

  1. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Yep. Just bought a car to do SPL comps. Wide open for advice on equipment/ setup from you guys over 150. Thinking REHCs, wall, tuned to about 45Hz. It is going to be in a *tee-hee-hee* GREMLIN!!!
  2. Alan

    Alan Full Member

    q3000 for me :D B)
  3. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Awesome! There is a Gremlin in mint condition near me for sale. I LOVE the paint style! Its brown with a white L shaped spot going up the back.

    4 15" Brahmas! :blink:
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    not running adire :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

    I am SHOCKED.......

    2 15in L7's in a BIG box will get you there easy
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I'd love to run Adire. However, my primary love is SQ, and I prefer to spend the big bucks there. The products I would use to compete would be too costly to be really beneficial. I would most likely go with the Brahma 15 or wait on the upcoming arrival that is looking to throw about 40 mm of Xmax. Either way, the pricetag is just too steep. If Dan want's to sponsor me, hell I'd run it in a heartbeat (prolly send my wife over to Seattle to "compensate" him :D).

    No square subs. I will not use mainstream for this project. I want to go in with a small name and have people look at the product like "huh?" and when I hit mid 150s go "Ahhh!!!" ;) . Looking for the shock factor.
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    many people are running RE for Comps though so your not going to get that with them

    as well as every other little company,

    if you really want to go no name you need to get on with a LITTLE company, like Better Audio, or one of the others that barly have a web site...
  7. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Well, I obviously agree...
    But we don't have any subs to market yet, still in the research phase! :D

    And our initial launch is likely to be an XBL2 with a motor very similar to the Brahma series, not what Sandt is looking for.

    I was going to suggest modelling everything up that you can get your hands on numbers for that have an underground-but-quality flavor to them, that are in the price range you are looking for...
    I would include maybe the Shiva or Tempest (not quite sure what sizes you are looking for, so bear with me)...
    The Dayton series from Parts Express...
    Elemental has quite a few lines out now...
    I can't think of others off the top of my head, I know there are lots out there.
    Hell, a little local shop here swears by "virtual technologies" subs for SPL... if you really want "unheard of".

    That's if companies like DD, Shocker Audio, Atomic, Treo are either too mainstream or the "good stuff" is too expensive for you... they are pretty unheard of on the streets, to those who aren't in cyberland.

    But if you are in the 1500 watt range, I don't think your requirements need to be too high for a purpose built burpmobile...
    You can design your enclosure so that max output is reached without risking bottoming the drivers out (of course being aware of your frequency limitations) and you can burp tons more power than RMS.
  8. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I'm considering Shocker extreems actually. My head is really into the Stroker though, and I am looking for a used stroker. Just think, all that output from an SQ woofer. I can do a changeable slot port, tuned low for the drive there, and swap out for a 45Hz port when I get there. The stroker is a bit more mainstream than I would like, but it will happily accept 2000 watts, looks rather bizarre, and it feeds into my ? a few months ago of multiple spider designs. It will give me a hands on demonstration of the linear advantages this design has!!!

    Shame you don't have any available Geo...Of course the cost is a bit more than I would like, but the small ported enclosure your driver will ride in can really make a 10 foot enclosure sound bigger. Just think of how efficient a B15 would be in 10 foot tuned to 45Hz. Marshall has a B15s in a small box in his truck moving less power in the same class. He took second and has a record... I would gain an advantage due to the "hatch" design, enclosure size, and power delivered. I really think I can be pretty competitive in the classes I am looking at, without spending big bucks...
  9. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    the stoker is going to be a hot commotity since CV went out of business, or rather Bought out, and I think the company that bought them is going to drop the car audio stuff, and just do the pro audio items

    Since they are a PRO Audio manufacture (the company that bought out CV)
  10. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Oh boy...
    Model one of those puppies up, before you buy into the "it was designed as a SQ woofer" rumor.. B)

    Interesting then, that a friend of mine has an 18" stroker in his Golf.. (different guy than the amp)
    Without talking to him even, I can tell you I am sure he would sell it..
    he's worse of an experimenter than I am, he goes through audio gear weekly, seems like... hell, that's if he still has it... :D
    I know he bought it used (like he usually does), so his price would probably be good.
    I can find out though, if you are interested!
  11. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    you saying they dont have good sq?
  12. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Oh boy...
    Model one of those puppies up, before you buy into the "it was designed as a SQ woofer" rumor.. B)

    Interesting then, that a friend of mine has an 18" stroker in his Golf.. (different guy than the amp)
    Without talking to him even, I can tell you I am sure he would sell it..
    he's worse of an experimenter than I am, he goes through audio gear weekly, seems like... hell, that's if he still has it... :D
    I know he bought it used (like he usually does), so his price would probably be good.
    I can find out though, if you are interested![/b][/quote]
    I am interested... Please find out. I was hoping for an 18 and found some new for $400, but I'm looking to spend considerably less.

    Funny about the SQ thing... They were designed with pro audio in mind... movie theaters in specific. I've heard they did get to sounding really good in the proper ported alignment...

    I do like their slogan on the site though; "like a nuclear explosion, without all the melted skin" :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I will try to call him tomorrow, it's a little too late tonight...
  14. 98LowRanger

    98LowRanger Full Member

    Heh...that's pretty cool Seth. So is that the car that a guy at your work owns and parks next to you every day? I am very surprised that you aren't going all Adhire too, but I can understand your reasoning. I have a suggestion for you......PHOENIX GOLD!!!! Well, maybe their Titanium Elite subs might be a little out of your price range for this project at around $800 each :( This new project doesn't mean that you are going to stop working on the ol GN does it?

    Let me know if you need help with it. I know! You can let me handle the exterior mods! Shave the Gremlin up, add a loud ass muffler, big wing, slam it to the ground on some 20s and paint it bright orange! So let me know if you need help ricing it out...hehe. The shaving will help seal it up and the wing and muffler add at least 10 dbs :p


    PS - Any word on the PG Components????????????????????????????????????
  15. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    god I hate cars like that
  16. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    god I hate cars like that[/b][/quote]

    You should see ricerangers truck :p

    I haven't heard from him, I say look elsewhere Mark, sorry :( .
  17. 98LowRanger

    98LowRanger Full Member


    You should see ricerangers truck :p

    I haven't heard from him, I say look elsewhere Mark, sorry :( .[/b][/quote]
    Hey, that's cool man. You tried. I was really hoping to get them for like $400......oh well I can dream :( Me and Drew (guy you met with the red Prelude) want to hear your new setup. Maybe we can stop by your work and bug you this coming week? He also has an idea on the sub placement in his car that he wants to run by you. Hope to see you soon!

  18. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    What happened to my posts on this?
    Did they disappear, or was that on CAF?

    Oh well...
    Any rate, he only wants $200 for his Stroker 18" (he just picked up a Massive 15" that he is going to build a dual-chamber vented box for his hatch, something new to play with...)
    And my friend wants $300 for the Cadence A7HC...

    Let me know if you are interested, I'll make sure the guy with the amp didn't sell it already. I know my friend with the sub still has it since he wasn't really selling it, he's just always shuffling his gear around.
  19. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    they are one page 1, you know the first thing to go with old age is the eyes :D
  20. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    they are one page 1, you know the first thing to go with old age is the eyes :D[/b][/quote]
    OH no! :D

    Well, I was thinking...
    I am not sure what the impedance is on the Stroker.. hopefully it's a dual 2, not a dual 4 or single 4... Hmm...