Rock speakers in a 1993 grand cherokee

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by kaptan, Dec 1, 2002.

  1. kaptan

    kaptan Full Member

    ok i recently got a 93 jeep cherokee and now i'd like to put some good speakers in it. it has speakers in all 4 doors and 2 in the dash. i'd like to get some speakers that let me hear the vocals, guitars and the bass of the drums well at a loud volume, i need powerful hardhittin bass but i dont want my bass to be super loud and block everything out...basicly i want rock speakers..heh..any suggestions, crutch feild's speaker finder thing had component speakers, mid range speakers, and just speakers.... the highest size i saw was like 6 1/4 inch... im guessing mid range wou;d be good for the front door and something with more bass for the back doors.. and i dont know about the in dash.. its a 1193 jeep grand cherokee laredo...with the infinity sound system... thanx in advance and sorry for coming outta the blue and asking 100 questions
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Welcome aboard!!!

    I suggest amplifying the speakers as Head Unit power is not truely a good source. Even a simple 50 watt per channel amp would suffice. Problem here is you want bass. A decent (hell even a killer) speaker set will not really reproduce frequencies below 80Hz, or bass. First we need to determine what money you have to spend, and what HU you have to drive the system.

    I would like to see a small sub in the equasion to get the nest out of your music ;) . I might suggest an accurate 10, IDQ maybe, or a Shiva, E12K, Perfect, Alpine type R or if cost is a concern, a Dayton. All can be had for under $150.

    But lets get the info above and I'm sure we can compile a sweet system for you.
  3. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Great advice here. You'll definitely be happier with some type of amp pushing your components. Let us know how much you'd like to spend and we can probably be more help.
  4. kaptan

    kaptan Full Member

    well im not 100% sure on how much money i'll be able to spend, im 16 and lookin for a better job now...but around christmas i'll have atleast 150 bucks.... probably more... I dont need speakers right away, im willing to save for awhile because i'll be driving the jeep for a looooooong time hopefully, but it wouldnt take me to long to get 300 bucks, more if you guys think itd be worth it, im big into music and it'd be quite well worth it.... so if 300 aint to low it's a good number for me but if the system would be like twice as good for 100 more, i'd save up for another month or so.... thanx guys
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I am going to be putting together a little system here soon for a customer. He is looking for good SQ, not alot of boom, not alot of money. Hoping for an IDQ, and I will also throw a set of Cadence ZX551s up front, and a Q4000 amp to power it all. He already has a HU. This is in a small car (early 80s RX7) and will suffice in there, but a Jeep is much larger. He will wind up about $400 in the hole on that (we gotta figure Install kits for the amp) and that is NOT including labor. A good starting point will be around $700-$750 as you have more holes to fill and more room to fill as well. I assume you already have an aftermarket HeadUnit correct?
  6. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Seth's right, realistically, for a decent setup, you'll need about $5-600. That would just include a decent component set, a sub, and an amp to run both (hopefully). Even with that, it would be close.

    You don't have to put everything in all at once though. My advice would be to add a sub first (which you could easily do for $300, less the labor) because you'll hear the biggest difference with the addition of a sub. Then on down the road, as you get some cash, throw in some components and another amp.
  7. kaptan

    kaptan Full Member

    nope i still got the jeep cd player and all...700 is a bit pricey tho man, if i had that income i'd jump on it but i dont... labor wont be a problem because most of my bros friends can install a system like nothin.... my parents will probably help me out with a new cd player......that is what a head unit is tho right?...heh im totally new to this.. so i need an amp, a sub, and 6 speakers right? i was looking at those component speakers and it said something about a sub on those, would that be a wise choice? also im not to sure if you guys are suggesting i get a box in the back or replace the speakers in the door.. i just got an email from here saying theres a reply so im going to post this and see what it is then reply again...heh see ya soon
  8. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Yes, we are suggesting you get a sub in the back. Nothing you put in the doors will adequately reproduce the lower frequencies you're looking for.

    Hit me up on AOL IM if you have screenname is in my sig.