Remote Starter.

Discussion in 'Car Alarm, Remote Start and other Accessories.' started by clipser-gs-t, Mar 13, 2006.

  1. clipser-gs-t

    clipser-gs-t Full Member

    Does anybody have experience with a distance starter that actually works about half a mile away?
  2. 1wykdmk8

    1wykdmk8 Adminstigator

    Even IF they say they work that far away....they do not work that far away with any kind of consistency.....
  3. clipser-gs-t

    clipser-gs-t Full Member

    I know that already. I just wanted to see if anybody has experience with something that actually works.
  4. NeverwaY

    NeverwaY Full Member

    I think AutoLoc makes one that is supposed to be good for a 1/4 Mile. Not sure about the accuracy of that... but it IS AutoLoc.
  5. 1wykdmk8

    1wykdmk8 Adminstigator

    I hope I am not steppin on anyones toes here, but.......DO NOT buy from AutoLoc. I have purchased stuff from them in the past and they would not uphold their own warranty. Stick with something that is good, like DEI/Alpine/Avital/Clifford (now owned by DEI anyways). I have had the Viper 560XV on my Mark VIII, and it is flawless. Not sure if it was touted as a 1/4 mile range for it to start, but I do not need it....I never park my car that far away. I will look into it...but give me some time to do so, and I might be able to find an alarm that has that range you are lookin for, and actually works. :D
  6. clipser-gs-t

    clipser-gs-t Full Member

    Yeah, something with proven quality if you can find it.
  7. Attack Eagle

    Attack Eagle Full Member

    Autopage 855 will work at several hundred yards reliably and consistently...

    And it will tell you on the LCD if you are out of range of the vehicle.
  8. krntiger

    krntiger Full Member

    check out some of the pager units like the cobra 791 or my personal favorites from compustar. compustar has the distance for one mile or longer. i know on ebay they go for around 250 the nice thing is that they are manual safe. since they have anti grind features it should be good for a manuel. the compustar also has a built in turbo timer.

  9. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    I have the Autopage RS650+ in my car. Been a trouble free unit for around 5 or 6 years. Its not a pager, but it seens to have great range, definately not a 1/4 mile.
  10. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member question to to OP here.

    Why would you need to start your vehicle from a half mile away???? LOL
  11. DMP

    DMP Full Member

    How about start the car from virtually anywhere?

    Audiovox Car Link. :cool:
  12. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    How if you know what to do...rig something up so you can call your vehicle from any phone and start it...somehow use a cell phone integrated to your cars remote start...just an idea