I finally hooked up my r/s today. It works with a key in the ignition. But with the bypass and the ring around the ignition coil, it does not work. Any idea's Rangersvu?
I don't what bypass module your using. Double check the programming directions. Also, the bypass needs to turn on before cranking. Check it like this, using a volt meter, check the turn on wire (I dont know your colors) it should read 12 volts. Press the remote start button, it should go to 0. Thats how most of them work.
Sorry I got it working, my dumb a** tagged the keysense wire instead of 12v for the sat relay. They were both green/purple wires right next to each other. Guess I should have re-metered them. Thanks for the help.
That should be Ranger SVO by the way:lol: You should be an expert at diagnosing alarm and remote start problems by now. Glad you found the problem. And I'm glad it was simple.