Re Xxx

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by fb4076, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. fb4076

    fb4076 Full Member

    What would be the benefits of switching from my two 12-inch solo-baric L7's, to one 15" RE XXX. I know that I will lose some SPL, but would I gain noticeable SQ? Also, how well would the one XXX run off of my MA Audio HK1998, MA claims 1200 watts, don't know the truth behind that, hoping you all would....
  2. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    Pretty much you will get lower distortion and more transparency.

    The XXX has greater Xmax and the XBL^2 motor which means it will be able to play louder and lower without distortion.

    Check out the xbl^2 thread on CAF right now for some details on XBL2. Gives some details on its advantages over a standard overhung motor topology.
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    IMO stick with the kickers B)

    there is nothing terrible about the L7's SQ, infact they have been used in winning SQ installs

    SQ is all in the installation, when subs are concerned anyway...

    if you are having SQ problems, I would look at your other Speakers First, not the subs anyway
  4. fb4076

    fb4076 Full Member

    Oh, I definitely understand that it is in the install. Right now I am using a ported box. I am about to switch over to a sealed box to see how much of a difference I can tell. I mean, the subs I have now are loud, much louder than I would like, which is why I was thinking about switching to a sub with better SQ
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    but what makes you think the SQ issues you are having are sub Related???

    I would say 90% of people that have Bad SQ has nothing to do with the Subs at all.

    your ablity to hear Low Freq is terrible anyway, Hell Distortion is not audible in most cases until is gets over 10% THD....

    I would be looking at your Midbass and High End, if you have upgraded them at all? , as the cuprit first
  6. fb4076

    fb4076 Full Member

    Right now I just have Rockford 6x8's where the stock speakers were. The problem is I could replace the subs MUCH cheaper, and I know that the XXX is going to have better SQ than the Kickers.
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    and you know this how?? because everyone says so?

    have you compared the two?

    News Flash for you, People on the forums, even some people here, are very biased

    Myself included,

    SQ is very very very subjective, no matter what people tell you

    I dont know how you can go from starting a Thread asking IF you will gain SQ, to telling me that your "going to have better SQ"

    if you know that, what is the point of the Thread? were you expecting everyone just to agree?? I will not, Kickers have damn good SQ IMO and swapping them out will not gain you anything at all IMO,
  8. fb4076

    fb4076 Full Member

    No, in the beginning of this I asked if there should be noticeable gains in SQ, I did not change my question, the main point of this thread was to see if there would be enough SQ change to justify the switch.

    You are right, I do not know that it is a better SQ sub because I do not have access to a sub like that, or a similar one. However, many people on this forum have heard both subs, which is the point of this thread.
  9. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    many people will tell you RE is god too, :lmfao:

    many people will tell you RE is the best thing Since Sliced Bread :lmfao:

    Last time I check the XXX was not Designed for SQ, just because it has a xbl^2 motor does not make it instatly more suited for SQ than the L7's IMO the L7's have a Bad Rap in the SQ dept because there are too many "boom booom boys" running them
  10. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    I wouldnt switch if you are happy with what you have now.

    If you dont know what you are looking to change its kind of hard to improve you know?