Radar Detectors

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Civic96, Apr 29, 2003.

  1. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I was looking for some nicely priced radar detectors and I got a ggreat deal off I love to take it up the ass because i BUY ON scam bay AKA e-bay. I bought a bel 950 for 100 dollars, I mean how could I say no to such a deal?
    I saw the auction like 10 mins after it was posted and the buy it now price was at 100. That relatively cheap considering the same models are going for 140 with 12 hours left. Has anyone used a Bel before? From what I hear they are number 3 behind Valentine and Passport.

    Also, does anyone know the difference b/w a BEL vector and a regualr BEL?
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    ^^^he likes to take it up the ass^^^ :lol:

    Bel make a great detector, I think it will work great for you.
  3. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Haha, that's abuse of mod priveleges, but quite funny :)
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Not me :(

    try to type in E :)()B( :)))A(;))Y- like normal
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    That may be abuse of MOD prvilages if a Mod had done it

    but since I did in as a overall word filter it is ok, who is going to stop me hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :lol:

    It will all be back to normal when Cat v3 comes out I promise
  6. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Sandt is the official thread shitter.....or maybe he just has some kind of fetish for men who like Britney Spears......The world may never know!

    Can we have a Sandt useless post counter? I think he is beating me.......and Im mad!!! REAL MAD!!!! RARARARA! :lol: :angry: :D
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Please Take your Sexual request to a PM, Thank you :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. squatchie

    squatchie Full Member

    i like britney spears....felt very odd at a concert when i knew every piece of ass (cept for the one i was with) is illegal. very very strange.

  9. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Hah, i forgot about the filter...sorry Seth, can't give ya credit for that one :).
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    sounds like yo need to move to a differant state :D :p
  11. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Hey, I answered your question didn't I? :(

    ---------------look, you hurt my feelings^^

    And you know, you do have a cute Butt :lol:
  12. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member


    Anyways, on a more serious note, I was wondering if I would be able to place the detector away from my windshield and still have it perform effectively? I was thinking of putting it right infront of the speedometer so another words its behind the wheel but infront of the plastic piece that has the speedometer, odometer and gas guages. I plan on hooking it up to my battery and having a switch for it. Would it work fine in that position or would it have to be in a more open area?
  13. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Center of the windshield for optimum performance. If you hide it, it will also have the signals it is supposed to detect hidden from it ;) . The valentines have a remote pickup on them and can be stashed.
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Bel makes a doamn good remote system ( not the one he has though)

  15. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Mike If I had 600 dollars to blow on a detector I would probably have gotten something along those lines but I dont so I wont so you cant and shouldnt mock me like that, OK!!! :lol:

    This baby will do juuuuuust fine :)

    The only bad thing I hear about this model is that it falses on X or Ka or something or other but that shouldnt a problem since I had a cobra for about a week and it sounded like I was in a casino when I was driving around
  16. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    if you live in a high population area, you will probally have alot of fasles on the X band, as, if I remember right, is set of by mircowaves from TV repeters and police band repeters, but you should take comfort in knowing that most city cops dont use X band for that reason, every town I have ever been in the cops uuse Superwide KA band for Radar
  17. jstutman

    jstutman Full Member

    well let me try to help you out. its not 100$ but 300$. this detector let me tell you saved my ass so many times. it picks up every cop car a good distance away

    this will not pick up false signals. the filters is really good. now highway setting will pick these up, of course it wont filter. why would a automatic door signal be on the highway. i payed 300 for my passport 8500 plus 20$ for an extended 3 year warranty. i dont work for them so i dont want to sound like im advertising. heres a few links

    escort store ( the actual company)

    a few test sites

    radar test.com

    motor trend
  18. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Yes I know that the 8500 is an excellent detector but it is way out of my price range.

    Thats 3x what I payed for and 3x what im willing to pay for. I just need a detector for the turnpike where I am the only car on the road and the speed limit is 65 mph.
  19. jstutman

    jstutman Full Member

    just stay away from whisper. would you be willing to spend say 130-150$

    BEL makes a damnb good product and they have some that run the 130-150 $ price range.
  20. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I just bought a bel 950....works like a charm!

    I was on Route 18 when the X band started going crazy...... 10 seconds later I pass by a cop that pulled someone over on the other side of the road.

    This was at night in awful rain and the radar detector was not properly mounted.....so I guess that means it works fine just fine! :D