Python Snake

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by NVRloudENUFF, Apr 29, 2002.

  1. NVRloudENUFF

    NVRloudENUFF Full Member

    he has eaten, I finally got him to eat, thank god, here are some pics if you have the appetite
  2. NVRloudENUFF

    NVRloudENUFF Full Member

  3. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I couldn't ever watch a feeding when we had ours.. :(

    He was a nice little snakey except for that eating innocent cute little mice thing... :p
  4. NVRloudENUFF

    NVRloudENUFF Full Member

    i didnt feel so bad, the mouse escaped his box and i had to catch his little ass so I got pissed and just threw him in the cage with the snake, and down the hatch