Punch He2 10" - To Port, Or Not To Port?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by kennyg, Nov 24, 2002.

  1. kennyg

    kennyg Full Member

    OK, I've been playin around with WinISD, and i still don't know how to use it, so I'm just guessin. Now, with these subs, it says 2 cubes, tuned to 25 Hz,each, and I have 2 of them. (well, thats with the little info I have about the subs. The only specs I have arte the ones that came with the sub, and there isn't very much there.) I want optimum SQ, so should I just stay with sealed, and sacrifice the SPL, or should I go ported? I know you guys talk about building ported box'e that have better sound quality than sealed, so can you guys please help out a 19 year old who can't figure out how to use WinISD? thanks

    BTW, I emailed RF about a week ago for the rest of teh T/S Parameteres for the sub, but no response yet. I'm hoping somebnoy out there has them and can help me. They are model # 3210.

    I was told that using a single chamber box opposed to a dual chamber box is better for ported apps. Is this true? And, how many ports should i use? 1? 2? 4?