Prospecting a System, Opinions Wanted.

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by festersays, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. festersays

    festersays Member

    I'll be honest, I'm a car audio noob. I'm trying to learn as quick as I can, but then again, I don't know much, and so far I've scoped out some things I'd like to add to my 2009 pontiac G3, purely for sound quality; not competition. I'd like to know how people think it'll work out, forsee any problems I'll encounter, or anything in general I should know. Thanks in advance for any and all help, it's really appreciated.

    First off, I'd like to add these 2 way Diamond d353i's:

    Then, add this Sub (I'd like to have some trunk space, that's the reasoning for the bass tube):

    And to amplify both the sub and speakers, this amp:

    The amplifier is the main thing I don't quite understand; from some people, I've heard that I'll want two seperate amps to power the speakers and sub, a class D mono block for the sub, and a A/B amp for the speakers... I'd like to stay at a budget, and I'd like to know if the current setup I'm prospecting will be decent, and have nice SQ.

    Again, any input at all is appreciated.
  2. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    its an ok start, If your looking for sound quality id go for some seperates, but they might not be in your budget. You can run the front speakers off the front 2 channels and bridge channels 3 and 4 for the sub. Do you need seperate amplifiers, well that all depends on how loud your gonna listen. If it was me I would get the seperate amp but thats just me. you can certainly get by with just the amp. That brand is not the best but its alright. As for the bazooka tube the design is good but the woofers they put in them really suck. I took mine out and put in a kicker woofer, wow it really banged hard. Dont forget you will need power wire, ground wire, fuse holders and maybe a LOC or a line out converter so you can use your factory stereo.
  3. festersays

    festersays Member

    Thanks for your help, I'm glad to hear that I won't run into any problems with running all that off a single amp. If I were to go with separate speakers from tweeters, would I be able to run the front components off one front channel, then the two tweeters off the other front channel?
  4. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    They would hook up the same to your amp as the other ones. You have a tweeter and a midbass that connects to a crossover then you connect a speaker wire from that to your amp
  5. festersays

    festersays Member

    Alright, that makes perfect sense to me; I'm glad I'm starting to understand how some of this stuff works! lol