Problem getting dome supervision to work

Discussion in 'Car Alarm, Remote Start and other Accessories.' started by luckydawg003, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    Just starting a new topic from my other alarm install posts. Still can't get my dome light supervision to work with my alarm for my 07 mustang. Alarm is a python 990. I know their is a wire for dome super in the car, and a +black/lt. blue wire, also a constant white/blue wire, and +pink/blue wire. alarms dome super wire is -. The dome light works with the factory key fob. On when unlocked, locked it goes off. But nothing with alarm key fob. I used a relay. Also Rangersvo when I touched the -green/yellow wire to ground it turned on, and I even touched it to my relay ground to make sure it is good. Do you think its my alarms -dome super wire?
  2. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Maybe. OK lets make sure we got everything right. On the relay pin 30 goes to ground and pin 87 goes to the green/yellow (-) (this can be reversed no problem pin 87 to ground and pin 30 to green/yellow)

    Now either pin 85 or pin 86 is tied to a constant 12-volt source (dont matter which one). Now take a jumper wire from ground to the left over pin, either 85 or 86. You should hear the relay click and the dome light should turn on.

    Are we good so far?
  3. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    Yes the relay works. I tested the relay like you said to. Dome light comes on when jumper is grounded. So it has to be my alarm brain,right? For some reason it isn't sending a -signal threw the black/white dome alarm wire to the relay. Or is something else wrong? Any other accessory I can use instead?
  4. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    It has something to do with the alarm, everything is hooked up right. I am not familiar with your alarm, but I know the alarms we use the domelight wire is programmable. I can program it to do other things besides the domelight. You might wanna look into that.

    Let me know whats up
  5. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    Ya I can't program it. I looked in the manual. It doesn't have any like dome light super (on or off setting) It did work for like 2 weeks, about 25% of the time, then for some reason it just stopped working all together. I tested the relay and it works fine. How should I hook up the dmm to test the - alarm wire? I've just been putting the positive on it and the other to ground, is their a different way?
  6. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    That sounds right to me, lets double check. We need to see what pin 85 or 86 is doing. Which ever pin the alarm domelight supervision wire is atached to is the wire (pin) we need to test. Put the positive lead on that wire (pin) and the neg lead to ground. It should read 12 volts. Press disarm on your remote. That voltage should drop to almost nothing. If it does then you will here the relay click and the domelight will turn on.
  7. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    Ok I tested the relay. 30 ground is good. 86 12v is about 12.6v, 87 car dome super is 71.6v with lights on, and then goes to 0v, then quickly back to 12.63v(lights off) 85-black/white alarm dome super is the problem. Everytime I tested it, it changed, but only drops like 1.3volts. First read was 22.9v to 20.4v when I pressed unlock. (not strong enough to trigger relay to turn d.l. on) then lock pressing unlock read 23v to 20.6v 2nd read press unlock lights off 20.6v to 18.2v, lock to unlock 21.1v to 18.6v. I even tested it at the alarm brain. 12.6v to 11.3v when I hit unlock.

    I attached a jumper to pin 85 and touched it to ground. Relay clicked, and d.l turned on. read 12.6v to 0v.

    So my alarm brain is bad right? I will go into work and swap my brain out with another one and see if that fixes the problem. Or is their someway to reset my brain?
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2007
  8. luckydawg003

    luckydawg003 Full Member

    Ok I swapped out my alarm brain with a new one, that fixed the problem. It works now. I guess I blew something inside the brain when I was touching wires around. oops!. Thanks Rangersvo for the help.