preping the order bin for my new system

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by eviling, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    whelp it's been months, and months, i've wanted a true high end system for years now, and i threw in some junk parts, learned a few things along the way, and FINILY i've come across the funds for my system, about 1200, and here are my parts.

    origonaly I had picked some micro alpines, but I've recent changed my amps, to some MA audio amps, and sub. and jbl speakers, with a pioneer equalizer. I was also going to go with some kicker L7's, but the MA audio sub's were rated, and I woudln't need 2 sub's.

    part list -
  2. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    MA is a "ok" brand
  3. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    I'm not sure about that. I've been talking to a guy, in NJ, who has been doing db comp's for years, and he says MA audio is really good, he has the very same 4 channel and says it's very good. and he has had some of there top end models as well, of course because he was into the whole comp scene.

    anyhow, the other choices i had for amps, were the alpines.

    Alpine PDX-1.1000 Mono

    and the 4 channel version

    Alpine PDX-4.150 4/3/2 Channe

    and for a sub for those, i had planned on an L7 from kicker, 12"

    the MA audio's allow me to save much more money.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2010
  4. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    yeah, well the more i read that thread you showed me, the more it seems my first fair was right, when it says 200 rms x4 STEREO, it's talking about to 2 channels, sounds like a marketing trick though to me.

    the single channel amp looks lagit. high current draw, very strong looking, and only a few models under there top gunners, that'll pump out 5k watts rms. I can't imaghine 120 amp cap draw amp is over rated, that thing with 120 amps should easily be in the range it claims, at least acording to my math. :| my the laws of science always seem to be obscured by these damned amps >_< but according to the math, 120 amps at 12 volts is more like 1500, but with extremely low resistance and assuming most battery's put out more than the 12 volts they rate them out, mine happens to be more like 14.6, I'd say. 1800 watts sounds pretty right on. but if that's the case, those fuses are extremely tight on that, this stuff always confuses me >_< but 14.6x120 is about 1752 watts. so, that should be at the very least 1500 rms watts i imagine. :\ let me know if my assumptions are wrong, dc is such a dif world than AC.
  5. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    To figure out the approximate RMS an amp is capable of you need to know its efficiency, fuse rating, and how much power you will be giving it (most people will have between 13.8V and 14.4V)

    So for that MA mono would come out something like this:
    .75*160*14.4 = 1728W RMS

    Most class D amps should have at least a 75% efficiency rating. Also, if you look on the MA website it shows power ratings for 14 volts and 17 volts, it could be if you run that amp on anything less you may kill it. I would stay away. Alpine is a great company and those PDX amps are amazing. Mind if I suggest a system?
  6. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Also, unless things have changed, Dealer Cost Audio is a scam, don't buy there. My friend tried to by a Solo X there and never got the product or a refund and its been almost a year. Also if you search for some reviews you will not find a single positive review and everybody got scammed.
  7. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    eD 13Av.2 + Nine.1 = $500

    eDi Components + Nine.4 + 11Kv.2 = $300

    I realize this gives you an extra sub, but you can easily sell it (I may be interested) but you are getting a TON of discounts and this is a system that would be very loud and very clear.
  8. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    I would go with that MA sub. I heard it is pretty beast. then when and if you throw enough power at it to blow it, you should send it to Dave at PSI. he makes that platform crazy as hell! it has great potential, but MA didnt make it all it could be.
  9. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    I would maybe go with a different set of amps though. I dont know if they will do rated power. It'll still be loud. But according to the fuse rating it should be around 1600RMS in a perfect situation. Its up to you though.
  10. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    hmm, interesting. that sitll leaves me to find a set of rare speakers, and i'm fairly certain i want componates in the rare, i'm doing osmehting like this.
    and i'd probobly add some micro boxes for the tweets, or was even thinking of fiber glassing a bracket to the top corner pannel. above the rare passengers, but those do look nice.

    right now, what i'm looking to do is loose that equ and save up for the 7200 markII from eclipse, thats a latter addician but for now, i'mn goingw with the PDX 4.150, and the MA audio 1800, they both come up sound to me, and for speakers, rares will be those jbl's, since they have excelent lows, and power tweets for high filler, and some infiniti kappa perfect 6.1's in the front for the door pannels, and for the tweets i'm not sure about mounting, but i was thinking of puting them in the door pannel. at any rate, here are some images of where this all will be going.

    right now, for the fornt i have 3 spots, as marked in the images, there a little darker than i thought but i was to lazy to go outside and look like a crazy taking random pictures of my car again :|





    heres what we're working with in the trunk, all those tools aren't realy a factor anymore since i'm changing trades, going back to school in the fall, and theres plenty of room for up to 2 12"s back there. i only need about half of that space for tools. right now as you can see theres no grill, becuase thats some cheap kenwood sub it threw in there, and it has an extremely hard fiber glass cone. ive had hammers whack it, no cracks :|

    as you can see, right now there isn't a sub amp :| XD it died 2 weeks ago on easter day :'( its at sonic right now being repaired (or so i asume i'm calling them today )
  11. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i wouldnt bother with getting rear speakers right now. you can use the extra money saved on other stuff.

    i was a firm believer in rear fill, but i tried it with out and didnt mind the loss. if you want rear fill then dont spend too much on back speakers, 80% of your sound should come from the front anyways.

    if you want cheap power, look into audiopipe amps. their little 1500d is a beast and small and cheap. 160 new. i know a guy with one on 2 12's and its loud.
  12. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    nah im going high qual ;P i do prefer the front to lead, most places dont tune system to do that, they either do it all the same or rares leading, for me, i bought the jbl's for the rare, whitch will handle more power and are knowen for better mids, and some of the lows, with some tweeters for rare high fill.

    and for the front, i've ordered the infinity kappa perfect 6.1's 6 1\2" speakers. for tweeter mounting the rare, i'm doing some custom boxes behind the rare seat, something much like this.

    this is my start thus far
  13. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    tehe got my alpine PDS 4.150 today in the mail, to my complete surprise, i didn't expect it at least till after the weekend, i had forgoten that 6th has a store right in NJ, whitch is only an hour away :| tehe anyhow, fun times, i was playing around with it, looking at it and such, things god awfully heavy, lol, i picked it up and was like wow wth. and it's so tiny :|

    and to my amazment, when i read the verification certificate inside the box, stating the tested watts RMS, I found that my unit has done over 85% efficiancy, with 180 watts per channel :|
    which really kind of scares me, these speakers are really going to be pushed, i'm going to have to be really carefuller, becuase my infinity kappa perfect 6.0's are only rated at 100 watts rms, and 400 peak, 180 rms, witch who knows what kind of peaks from the amp, really kind of getting a little closer than I had planned :|
  14. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    That's why you have a gain, just keep it low so you don't do any harm.
  15. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    yeah, having to muhc power..who wuold think youd ever run into that problem :p these infinity kappa's should sound smazing with this amp, i can't wait to hear them, and im curiouse how the jbl's will sound that i got for the rare.
  16. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    just dropped that bad boy into my car about 20 mins ago, and man, i can hear the sound quality difference already, i can barley krank it up because my new speakers aren't here yet :( but with about 40% on gains and about 60% on volume i started hearing flipping in my speakers :-s, but you could hear the extra bass, and you could hear how clean the power was compared to my old amp, even though my old amp wasn't even that bad, in fact my old amp had very clean power, and was only set to about 80% on gains so it stood around 65-70 watts rms per channel. anyhoo, picture time :)
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2010
  17. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    sorry for the large images. anyhow, was doing some more work on the speaker boxes today, and i'm almost ready for fabric, and mounting of the box, and soon after that, the mounting of the hole system :D this weekend is looking promising, asumming my new head unit comes ! :D i got the eclipse cd7200 mkII, can't wait to see that baby, it'll sound much better than the POS head unit I have in it now :- S

    my rear speakers came today! :D 1 set of JBL C608GTi-mkII



    this is the origonal mock up i did, it's 5", not the 4" i ended up doing. but you get the idea ;P

    and this is just the mess that is my trunk right now :-|
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2010