Power Bass 3XL

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by mrmizcue, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. mrmizcue

    mrmizcue Full Member

    well here i go again....I burnt my first sub a few days ago so i am down to 1 RF P3 4D12. one getting the Pioneer 8850 installed the installer turned up the bass boost on the HU and i did not realize it until it was too late. The subs i had were 2006's which have grey cones...the 07's are black. so do i get a new black and have them mis-matched....hmmmm. or get 2 new RF subs? has anyone ever heard of powerbass subs? I was looking at the 3XL 12's. does anyone think they would compare to the P3's? My choices here are Kicker L5, Powerbass 3XL, RF T1, RF P3 or Sound Stream T4. ran all of them through BB6 and for normalized the order is P3,T1,T4,3XL and L5 ...but for acoustical power T4,3XL,L5,T1 and P3. all are in the same box tuned to 38 Hz. What to choose????? any input would be helpful
  2. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    it was the installers fault...he should know that bass boost is bad.

    is he paying for the blown sub??

    I wouldn't mismatch them...they may have different t/s parameters
  3. mrmizcue

    mrmizcue Full Member

    all of the t/s parameters are exactly te same...no the installer will not pay for the sub b/c i am the one that turned the volume up....i know....bullsh!t. your thoughts on the subs?
  4. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    I would still say it is the installers fault for turning up the bass boost...

    if they both have the same specs than they should be the same...but the old ones have different cones than the new ones supposedly so the mms could be different
  5. mrmizcue

    mrmizcue Full Member

    they are in 2 boxes like in my pic's i have posted in my profile. Have you heard of the 3XL's or the sound tream t-4's?
  6. mrmizcue

    mrmizcue Full Member

    so no one has ever heard of these subs?
  7. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    i've heard of them...never heard one though.
  8. mrmizcue

    mrmizcue Full Member

    by placing both of my subs facing eachother i am gaining alot of the acoustical power that is normally lost. I think here is why...when sound comes out of a speaker it goes in 360 of the speaker from the baffle board. My subs are under the back window deep in my trunk. when the trunk lid is open a very small amount of sound comes out..maybe 5% ...unlike when subs are pointed to the rear the loss is very high like 85%. but inside is another story...loud as hell. i have not metered it so i do not know what the numbers are but it will make your eyes bounce in you head. I have tried the boxes in different directions and the loudest for my volvo is having the subs pointed at each other. If someone can better explain why this is...i'm all ears