PG Tantrum 1200.1 questions

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Aoshi112, Jan 7, 2003.

  1. Aoshi112

    Aoshi112 Guest

    I just got this new PG Tantrum 1200.1 for 389. Man it was such a good deal i couldn't pass it up! The birth sheet says 1518.1 watts @ 4ohms, 14.4V. Though I only got a 12" JL W3v2-D4. So in fact i'm runnin it 2 ohms and gettin god knows how much power. I put the gains really low but after talkin to my friend I was thinking i should wire the JL Sub in parallel and run the amp at 8ohms so I'm not way overpowering my sub. Does anyone know if this is wise and will the PG Tantrum be ok runnin at 8ohms? The guy at the shop warned against it and said just leave it at 2ohms and put the gains down really low, which im doing currently.
  2. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    heh?! 1518 watts?! good god man. You're definately tryin to start a small fire. hehe. I'd definately run that thing at 8 ohms. Or, you could just send it to me, and in return i'll send you a PG zx350 and 100 bucks. :)

    Seriously, i'd run it at 8 ohms. I'm not sure what power you'd be getting, but you wont hurt the amp at all.
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    yes the amp will run fine on higher ohm loads,

    you streesing the amp MORE by running it at 2ohm

    and running the sub in parrallel would be 2ohm

    series would yeild 8ohm
  4. Aoshi112

    Aoshi112 Guest

    Doh~ Thanx for the clear up guys!