OT: Somebody talked me into listening to

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by flawlesskid, Apr 18, 2003.

  1. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    Man, this has to be the worst example of music i've ever heard. I dont know what people see in this music. Just a bunch of no talent acid freaks, and you gotta be on the same shit to enjoy that type of crap. I must get back to my buddy who suggested this trash. Who listens to this stuff? I mean, How Ice-T made more definative music in a crack induced high than these crabs. Somebody drop their opinion in on this post if you listen to this crap..... :blink: :unsure:
  2. air1438

    air1438 Full Member

    This is some type of joke, right?
  3. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    it must be. Pink floyd are amazing artists and musicians. though I dont tend to listen to alot of it, because its not really my kind of music. I praise them for their immense talent.
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I thought Pink Floyld was some Gay Guy named Floyld :lol:
  5. air1438

    air1438 Full Member

    I thought Pink Floyld was some Gay Guy named Floyld :lol:[/b][/quote]
    Why in gods name did you think that?

    Do you abuse drugs and/or alcohol?
  6. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    I thought Pink Floyld was some Gay Guy named Floyld :lol:[/b][/quote]
    After listening, i think its a whole group of fags that wear pink and follow a guy named floyd on acid missions! :lol: :p
  7. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I listened to that cd a couple of times when I was crunked :D
  8. kennyg

    kennyg Full Member

    Ya, I think all that music is gay. I mean, I listen to mostly rap, for a few reasons. Most importantly, the rap I like is basically people telling shit how it really is, like biggie, 2pac, eminem, etc. I like some rap when I'm in a bad mood, as some of it has some attitude to it. I love bone thugs, because I can really kick back and relax to them. It's smoot, laid back music, about ppepes justy wantin to kick back and chill. but, yes, that pink floyd shit it just druggie music, I think. and guess what? Most everybody I know that listens to that shit is a druggie.
  9. luvdeftonz

    luvdeftonz Full Member

    'nuff said :p

    Pink Floyd is cool, but I can only listen to it every once in a while. They have a unique sound, smart lyrics (oh no! I have to listen to the lyrics :( ) and were arguably the second most influential band of the '70's (after Zeppelin). Tool owes alot of their success to the influence of Pink Floyd.
  10. air1438

    air1438 Full Member

    Yeah, you pretty much have no idea what you are talking about.

    I guess having an album that stayed on the Top 200 for almost 15 years CONSECUTIVELY and selling almost 200 million albums is pretty gay.


  11. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    Try Sabbath. Maynard has stated that (and if you listen to the riffs), it is all about Sabbath man... Very obviously Sabbath. While Maynard's lyrics may be off base, they aren't by any means Floyd-esque.

    Isn't that right Jordan?
  12. luvdeftonz

    luvdeftonz Full Member

    I don't think Tool owes ALL it's success to the influence of Floyd. There are obviously many influences. I think the "sound" of Tool is very much inspired by the progressive "sound" of Floyd, though. Lyrically, I wasn't making any comparison (I just noted that Floyd has good lyrics, not just a good "sound"). I know of the affection Jordan has for all things Pink Floyd.

    I did empty-mindedly overlook the influence of Sabbath, though. They were/are every bit as influential to modern rock as Floyd/Zeppelin.
  13. air1438

    air1438 Full Member


    Try Sabbath. Maynard has stated that (and if you listen to the riffs), it is all about Sabbath man... Very obviously Sabbath. While Maynard's lyrics may be off base, they aren't by any means Floyd-esque.

    Isn't that right Jordan?[/b][/quote]
    While I haven't listened to much of Tool's catalog, I did own Lateralus. I ended up selling it the next day it was so terrible. It had one good song, the rest was pretty much lackluster at best. People suggest that "Aneima" was much better.

    From Lateralus, I can't see any the Pink Floyd "sound" influencing them at all.

    In general, they are only a few people who can compare to Roger Waters, in terms of lyrics. Certainly Maynard isn't one of them.

    John Lennon, Freddie Mercury, and Don Henley instantly come to mind.

    For instance, "strangers passing in the street, by chance two seperate glances meet, and I am you and what I see is me."

    or my favorite, "for long you live and high you fly, for smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry, all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be."

    I mean, come on---few bands can compare to Pink Floyd----
  14. kennyg

    kennyg Full Member

    Yeah, you pretty much have no idea what you are talking about.

    I guess having an album that stayed on the Top 200 for almost 15 years CONSECUTIVELY and selling almost 200 million albums is pretty gay.


    whatever, dude, I don't like that kinda music, and I really don't give a shit how long it stayed on the top 200, or whatever, because I don't care, as it will never be heard comming from my stereo.
  15. luvdeftonz

    luvdeftonz Full Member

    Again, I wasn't comparing the two lyrically. Remove all lyrics from Floyd and Tool, and TO ME there is a link between the "sound". Tools' "sound" is different, as it should be with 20 more years of music to be influenced from. They're from two completely different eras. Obviously they won't sound identical, or even very similar, but I don't think the direct influence can be denied. I also didn't say that Tool compares to Floyd as far as rock history is concerned. I do like Tool more, but Floyd has had a far greater impact on music and pop culture. To sum it up, I didn't claim Tool was better, or that they were lyrically superior. I only said Tool owes much of their success to the "sound", or at least "type of sound", Floyd developed 20 years earlier....experimental/progressive.
  16. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    You won't get people to agree on whether its good music or not. I can honestly say that i've never really listened to Pink Floyd, so i can't make any judgements. From the little that i have heard, i know that i really wouldn't like it much, but that doesn't mean that other people can't like it... There's no point in arguing over whether its good music or not.
  17. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    You never listened to what he had to say... Maynard is a better songwriter than Waters by a long shot. Very off the wall, but one hell of a lyricist.
  18. air1438

    air1438 Full Member


    If you are serious, you are a fuckin idiot in respect to music.

    Roger Waters is a living legend. If you think that Maynard can compete with Roger Waters, you absolutely have no idea what you are talking about.

    You would get LAUGHED AT so hard if you put that up on any musical forum. There is absolutely no comparison.

    Maynard couldn't come up with anything that is half is good as "The Wall", not even close to DSOTM or Wish You Were Here.

    That has to be the funniest thing I have ever heard.

    The Beatles
    Led Zeppelin
    The Who
    Pink Floyd

    ------------are the 4 major super-bands that no band today could ever compare to---
  19. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    OT: Hey man, what happened to you last night?? I called you a couple times yesterday and got no response.
  20. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    OT: Hey man, what happened to you last night?? I called you a couple times yesterday and got no response.[/b][/quote]
    Call him today and ask :D