OT, but this is my house...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by sandt38, Mar 17, 2003.

  1. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I just wanted to take the time and say thanks to the boys preparing for the inevitable war in Iraq. One of my boys (Aaron) is preparing to stand up for those of us stateside. I want to say, I am proud of him, and all the other young men and women who will be putting their lives on the line. This may also include a wonderful young man many of us know as Regal1975, a member of this forum, who enlisted a couple months ago.

    Whether you are for the war or against it, I ask that you all remember, it is these fine young people that fight for our right to have an opinion, and to see the facts as they truely are, rather than doctored government "news" that is so prevailant throughout the world.

    Thanks guys, for defending our freedoms.
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    AMEN to that

    Even thoughh I hate the US Government, :p

    But not the people that serve for it

    I still think that the leaders of each contry should have to Kill each other before a War B)
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    not to take this off topic post offi topic

    But if this is your house, does that make me your Slum Lord :lol:

    Wheres my RENT :D
  4. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Great post, hopefully this issue will be resolved quickly.
  5. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    My heart goes out to all our soldiers and their families.

    I believe this isssue could and should have been resolved without war but as we all know the ones who promote war are alwayds behind government desks and not on the front lines.

    Hopefully, this will all be over fairly qucik with a minimum loss of life and god forbid if this is going to be another Vietnam. Hopefully we learn some things from that little ecsapade but we all know how stubburn America is.

    I better see my gas prices drop 20 cents sometime soon because its getting rediculous now.......every time I refuel it seems like the prices go up 2 cents.

    Thats my 2 cents.........Ill just go and read "All quiet on the Western Front"

  6. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    Good post sandt....

    I have 12 VERY good friends in the military, 6 of which are already in the gulf. I wish all of them luck and I am behind them all the way.

    That said, I think war ,at least in my opinion, should never be declared unless one of two things are happening:
    1)the is immenant threat of invasion of another country into OURS.
    2)A country conducts open war against us.

    Thats It. No other reason is even slightly enough to call for war. NONE. And in truth, I would NEVER support any war I didnt believe enough in to go and fight in it myself. If there was iminant threat of invasion, Id be the first person on the front line. But the supporters of this war are cowards. They support war from far away in their safe little lives while someone else goes out and dies because of their need to "prove something" or whatever the hell we are trying to do out there.

    uhhggggg...... I could rant for hours. I hate republicans.... I hate democrats...... I think I just hate people in general.