Orion HCCA-D5000 1-Channel Amplifier

Discussion in 'Car Stereo Amplifiers' started by kjchillz, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. kjchillz

    kjchillz Full Member

    will this Orion HCCA-D5000 1-Channel Amplifier power my 2 12" type x's? the subs are 4ohm. or do u reccomend a different amp
  2. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    That amp should do a STELLAR job of driving those subs!!!!!!
  3. kjchillz

    kjchillz Full Member

    is the Orion HCCA-D5000 a good trustworthy amp? because I thought that Orion made low quality products? any comments? thanx
  4. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    haha...orion low quality??

    I'll let Viking take on this one
  5. kjchillz

    kjchillz Full Member

    can anyone tell me the perfect amp for my 2 12 type x's? Or something that will do just fine? i really need an amp. thanks
  6. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    I will admit, these new overseas made amps from orion arent what they used to be back in the day. But i see they are maintaining some of the traditional ideas in the design, such as the unregulated power supply. (a very good thing).

    IF you are interested in Orion, I would reccomend that amp, hell, i would take that amp over most any in the same price bracket. The few newer Orion amps i have seen and heard have performed very well, actually, extremely well. I dont think you would make a bad decision in that amp. if you can, go have a listen to one, or one that is similiar.

    Mow, you wanna talk old school orion.......HEHEHEH!!!! That is THE KING of all car audio amps.
  7. kjchillz

    kjchillz Full Member

    i am very interested in this orion amp. but do you think it will be too much power for the type x's to handle?
  8. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    If the gains and such are set properly, you shoudnt have any problems......Tis better to have too much power than not enough. Of course, if you go nuts and beat the heck out of the drivers, yes you will smoke them! But youcan also smoke them withnot enough power too......
  9. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Trust what viking is telling you. He's knows what he's talking about.
  10. DREAMZmustang

    DREAMZmustang Full Member

    Orion has to be one of the best, actually i put a ported kenwood box in my buddys car, first we used the 350 kenwood amp and it was alright and then we hooked up the old school orion and it sound real nice 1400watts 4channel, Beautiful and i can see why there vikings favorite too, not only do they last forever but they will still outperform anything on the market