Opinions needed - Should I install this system?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by michaelkingdom, May 22, 2010.

  1. Hello all,

    I'd like help with a recommendation I got.

    I have a 2011 Toyota Camry with a nav. headunit that I am keeping in.

    My local installer shop has recommended the following system to be installed: -prices are installed prices-

    JBL MS-8 Preamp - $900
    Boston Acoustics Amp: GTA 1005 (5 Channel) - $650
    Boston Acoustics Speakers - $700-800
    Boston Acoustics Sub: G3 -or- Image Dynamics IDQ - $300
    Sound Dampening - $150
    Good Cable: Stinger Roadkill - $150

    I walked in ready to part with about $500-$1000 and all this quickly added up to about $3000. Now, I rarely spend money on myself so I would be fine to part with the $3000 but I'd like to know if this system raises any red flags?

    By the way, if I skipped the MS-8, are there preamps that will do as good/better jobs for less money?


  2. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    those prices are way to high, and i woudln't match every brand component, buy the peices and have him install them, should run you maybe 200-300$ for a COMPLETE install of everything like this, and I'd have him go front stage active, so you'd need another amp, i'd suggest a 2 channel amp, something decent, and 2 sep amps is suggest for sub and speaker stages, i dont like 5 channel amps. but they're running you around for that 5 channel, its barley over 300$ on sonicelectronics.com

    if you're droping the ms-8, you can get a 3SIXTY from rocker fosgate, it's a nice unit, i've heard good things about. it'll do what you're looking to do, and is great for OEM head units that can't be changed.

    or you could go with the audison bit one, whitch you could find for around the same price as the MS-8, but it's not as feture loaded. i'd go with the ms-8 over the bit one. but do some research, see whitch one and whitch types fit what you want best.

    for speakers, idk what your looking at, but speakers aren't hard to install, so 800$ for 2 sets installed is out ragiouse, espeicly since the's probobly snow balling you with some POS sets. dont buy on the advice of a sales agent.

    and for cable, are you talking about the amp kit? you can just go to a shop and have them run some regular 2 gage wire, sold by the foot, they'll charge you for couplings and conectors and a flat rate hourly install fee, you're probobly looking at 3-4 hours at 45-65$ an hour depending where you go, the shop i trust around here charges 65$ an hour.

    for speakers, i like JBL 608 GTI mkII's they're great set. if you go acctive you dont have to have the passive cross overs installed. for the rear, put some full range 2 way coax's, something under 200$. they're just filll. you really won't notice the SQ loss in the rear with a good component set up front.

    for some help with some of these concepts, google anything you dont understand. to understand how you're ms-8 would look with 2 way active up front with passive coaxs in the rear, look at this diagram


    so you'd need 1 4 channel amp, 1 class d single channel for sub, and 1 2 channel for your tweeters. this would be a very good set up for pimped out nice new car like yours and you can hide everything under seats, you cuold go with some JL amps' or alpine they have some nice micro amps, that run very nice clean power.

    what kind of music are you listneing to, i'd suggest 500-700 rms for a good sounding sub that'll be good to show off and not be to much for the avg listener, sounds like you want SQ, so i'd say a JL D4 would do ya nicely. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_4010_JL+Audio+12W6v2-D4.html

    for amp's

    http://www.6ave.com/shop/product.aspx?sku=ALPPDX4.150 4 channel

    http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_9113_Alpine+PDX-1.600.html class D 1 channel amp

    i run a set up much like this, you can also get a 5 channel amp from alpine, i like that'll run ya about 400$ thats 75x4 watts RMS, and 300x1 watts RMS

    just some ideas.
    Last edited: May 22, 2010
  3. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    I think the ms-8 is overkill and way expensive. Like Evil said you can look at the Fosgate 360.1 or the more expensive 360.2. I have the 360.1 but really didnt like it and took it out after a month, it really is not user friendly. You need to have some type of bluetooth device like the palm pilot or maybe a laptop to hook up to it, then you have to remember what all the settings mean. Ill sell mine for like 50 bucks. Anyway I ended up with the JL Audio Cleansweep CL 441 DSP. You hook it up and insert the calibration disc and it does its thing. it has 32 bit SHARC processing to equalize each of the 4 channels with 30 bands of equalization (120 total) it will correct the response of the factory system, it also gives you 8 volt output to the amps and it has an aux input. Also look at Audiocontrol, i have the LC6I in my other car, its really just a LOC with a line driver, it has 8 volt to the amps and its 6 channel. If you want a dsp look at the DQL-8, its audiocontrols top unit, it does pretty much everything, you can find it for around 450 to 500. They also make all kinds of EQs, processors, xovers, some to look at EQS, DQX, Matrix, also bass processors, epicenter. By the way the JL cost me about 150. and the Audiocontrol was about 120.

    i agree with evil about ditching the 5 channel amp, get a nice 4 channel for the front and mids and a dedicated bass amp. With the $$$ you save on the processor you can easily get 2 amps. If I had to choose between those subs id take the IDQ
  4. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    oh yeah i forgot about that bs with the 3sixty, yeah the clean sweep is a nice alternative to that, i've heard good things about it, but dude this guys not going to understand anything you just told him lol you might wanna explain the equipment you were just speaking about or you're gonna scare him away :p

    really all he needs to know is what to buy, he's having it installed professionally. but you still need to explain it so he knows what to pick ;) otherwise he'll get talked through a loop by guys like this scum bag trying to sell him this gear for 2x the prices
  5. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    Problem is i'm not sure what he wants, just a LOC with line driver (lc6I) something with equalization (eqs) or an all out processor with DSP, equalization and line driver (DQL-8), If can tell us what he want it would be easier.
  6. Well, that is a good question. I am looking for the best sound! That installer who heavily recommended the MS-8 has taken training on it and was getting one for himself.

    I am looking for the best sound and some control over the sound.

    The Cleansweep sounds very good.
  7. Khayman

    Khayman Full Member

    No matter where you go, the installer will tell you that whatever he is trying to sell you he has in his car or is going to put it in. That is my experience at least.

    I just had a complete system installed by an authorized dealer, and what I did to make sure I wasn't getting scammed is I did a lot of reading and research on what the different components were, what the different ratings of each component meant and how they worked together. I probably came away understanding maybe 20% of all the information that is needed, but i felt like it was enough to know that I was getting a decent system for a fair price. Granted, I paid more for the components than what I could have paid by piecing it out from different internet sites, but the warranty was a factor for me. I paid probably 15% more (paid $3100 with tax for what I found to be $2700 at the cheapest prices on the net) but I knew I had a good warranty since I got it from an authorized dealer. That mattered to me, because I had read about a lot of issues where someone bought gear from one of the internet sites that were not authorized and the manufacturer wouldn't honor the warranty, and the internet site gave the people the run around on their warranty.

    My install cost me $800, including a custom built box (which looks awesome and fits perfectly). So I figured maybe $250-$300 for the box, $400 for install, and $100-$150 for miscelaneous wires, connectors, and so on. This all seemed extremely fair to me, my only regret is that I don't understand more about car audio systems to know that everything is setup just right in order to get the best sound. But that is something I can learn along the way and adjust later now that it is all installed. The components installed are what is in my signature, to give you an idea of what they did. It was all a new clean isntall, removing all of the old componenets (I have them all on my shelf in my garage).

    All of the dealers that I spoke to, all of them seemed happy with the idea that if I brought in my own gear they would install it. There didn't seem to be any hesitation if it wasn't the components they were selling.

    So from all of that, I would say don't be afraid to buy from a dealer and have them do the install, just make sure you do your homework and NEGOTIATE PRICE!!! I got them down about 20-30% by haggling price, especially since I knew what I could get the items for. If they hadn't come down, I would of just bought all the gear myself and had them install it. A good warranty is nice, but only worth so much. Not $1000!!

  8. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    300$ is the high end of an install with no bells and whisles, buy all your wire before, and don't get stuck on parts, it's really easy to get obsessed with a part. but don't get sucked in, or you'll never find a good price, sometimes things are expensive not becuase quality but people are just dumb, don't put hi-fonics, and al that in a new car. 3100 for a sound system is massive, i put a high end 2 way component system, cap, 2 sets of speakers, 2 amps, a deck for about 2000$ that'll blow most systems out of the watter in a heart beat.
  9. Alright,

    I am very grateful for all the info posted here. My thoughts have changed from these posts.

    Here is what I am looking at now that I've thought his through some more.

    Fronts: infinity perfect 6.1
    Rears: infinity kappas
    Amp: 4 channel infinity reference
    Infinity basslink powered sub
    JL cleansweep processor
  10. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    Wow you made big changes to the system, did someone give you a good deal on Infinity's, esp the basslink. Why? As for the cleansweep read up onit and make sure its what you are looking for, the one I have is the CL 441 DSP. If your looking for something close to the ms-8 but without the huge price, look at the Audiocontrol DQL-8, still expensive but no where near the other one.
  11. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    stay away from infinty, they're a junk company, so many people say they're good but in the real car audio comunity they're junk, i have a set of perfect 6.1's they're meh AT best. i think you might like some 2 ohm speakers, to get most bang for your buck, get some RE audio speakers, i've heard some good things baout there XXX series components, 1" silk dome tweeter, with 6 1\2" mid driver and passive crossover, good set from what i understand. hard to find i think. and you can just throw a set of full range speakers in the rear, like some coax's, like the RE RF 6.5" coaxals. you can find all there models at

    stay away from dealer cost audio.com they're assholes, ive never talked to a single person who's gotten something they ordered from them. in fact i tried ordering from them recently, and they still have my money. i'm in the middle of canceling an order. don't do it!

    like i said, don't get stuck on a brand. dont match them so much, they don't need to match, i genraly never match my sub with my speakers. right now i have JBL speakers, and polk sub, and Alpine amps, with an Eclipse deck. lol and it sounds great! you don't need to match :p people just do it for eas of the situation, like i said pick your parts up offline, save your self the buck.
    Last edited: May 25, 2010
  12. My question on the MS 8 and sound processors in general is if I need one at all. The installer heavily recommended the ms8 but he wouldn't be making a lot of $ on it. He was just excited about it.

    I'm not an audiophile but I do like my sound a certain way...maybe it would be better to skip the sound processor and just install a proper system. Like the one EVIL depicted above.
  13. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    Go to audiocontrol.com, you can find whatever you are looking for there, pretty much all they make are EQ's, processors etc... The prices are good also.
  14. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    To my understanding yes you need a sound processor. Most factory head units have no way to directly connect amps nor do they have an EQ that is in depth at all. The sound processor will allow you to have total control of your system as well as provide a stronger, clearer signal to the amps. However, I suppose you could use some line-out-converters in order to hook up amps but you still won't have much of an EQ to play with.
  15. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    alright, let me try and figuire you out. first off, he's making a massive profit on that unit to you, at least 150$, he's picking it up at a dealer discount up to 20% or as low as 10% maybe 5, either way, the MSRP is 799$ he's asking what 850$, he's making out like a bandit by adding install fees to each item, it sounds like its a deal but in reality you really want to ask for hourly chargest, tell them what you want and buy the gear your self. I kind of tried to explain this before, don't make me explain it again :rolleyes:

    alright! down to buisness, MS-8 yes or no...for you, if you can afford it, I'd get it. that's a nice car and ME i like to go big when i get nice stuff. it'll make what ever you put in the system sound amazing. really the clean sweep is also an option, I'm not to familuar with the system it's a
    "self tuning" system that if i recall used a tuning mic, a cd and you just play this cd with the mic somwhere, and push go. the MS-8 is much the same, but tunes on an entirely different level. we're talking professional tuning levels, from what i read on the unit it's the most advance unit PERIOD. it's barley off the shelfs, as i predicted last week, it did ocme out this week, it is on cruchfield for 799$ right now. whtch i woudln't buy that unit ANYWHERE else, you want it to be a certafied dealer. i mean it may be tempting to just buy your installers, but thats up to you and how long you want to wait, you could push it out 2 weeks and wait for all your parts to come in, or spend up to 300-400 more than you have to, OR MORE.

    for speakers, I KNOW you'd love those RE's, in fact i wish i had a set. they're pretty good from what i understand. so let me put up some parts, so that you may see how i would build a system for your car. most people won't do this, but i'm a nice guy, and enjoy doing this kind of stuff :)

    so, first off,

    JBL - MS-8 http://signature.crutchfield.com/s_109MS8/JBL-MS-8.html?search=ms-8&ssi=0&tp=27863
    focal 6.5 component set - http://signature.crutchfield.com/s_091165A1/Focal-Access-165-A1.html?tp=106

    Alpine SPR-17C - http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_8549_Alpine+SPR-17C.html

    you could go with the next model up 2 way set, but they're like 120$ more, and this is your rear fill, you may get them, they are the Focal 165 CVX.

    for amp's i'd go front stage active like in the diagram i showed you.
    [​IMG] so this means you need 3 amp's instead of 2, but you're fully utalizing that processor this way. and if you have it, use it. if you don't get the ms-8, just use 2 amps. show this to your installer and say i want the front stage active, if he looks at you like :huh: say thank you i'll have sombody else do this. ;)

    now amps.

    2 channel amp -Rockford Fosgate Power T400-2 - http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_8893_Rockford+Fosgate+Power+T400-2.html

    4 channel - Rockford Fosgate Power T400-4 - http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_9102_Rockford+Fosgate+Power+T400-4+-Black+Box-.html

    sub amp - Rockford Fosgate Power T500-1bd - http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_9103_Rockford+Fosgate+Power+T500-1bd.html

    for a sub i'd go

    Rockford Fosgate Punch P3D212 - http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_9104_Rockford+Fosgate+Punch+P3D212.html

    for a box, you could go with this http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_24427_Absolute+MSHF12.html

    you could build one, but sometimes it's just not worth it, this box is 1.20 Cubic feed, that sub reccomends 1.25, i think you'll be good with 1.2, and it's a good box. i woudlnt get a sonic box, i got one. i didn't like the construction, it was very lazy, they didn't caulk it, they used a cheap terminal block. it wasn't worth the savings to me.

    see how i didn't match all the parts? but this system will still sound awsome! i put those alpines in the back because the rocker fosgate 2 channel put out 120 watts, and the focal coaxals were rated at 120 max. again, they're just fill, so it doesn't matter. those should sound fine. alpine makes good stuff :) those focals up fron't are what you'll be hearing and it'll sound awsome, with that ms-8 pushing out crystal clear signals, that rocker fosgate amp putting out very clean power. and those are focals..they speak for them self. nothing really american beats focal, you could go rainbow or RE, but they're hard to come by and you aren't gonna be able to keep factory warrentys that way. you want that kinda stuff with a new car :) i matched up the amps so they would look nice in your car, in a nice amp rack or up on your back seat, how ever you mount them. you don't have to match them but it genraly looks better and less gheto ;P

    oh, and make sure you get your own amp kit, and RCA"s or he'll rack ya hard at a 50%-100% mark up for his store,because they make alot of there money from cables. like how tv hdmi cables will cost ya 100$ at best buy, but 15$ online. same deal

    for an amp kit, this 0 gage kit shoudl do ya, it has all the termonal bloocks, a fuse block. 2 sets of rca's for how ever you decide to run it, you'll need some more rca's so idk if you'd want to use them, i probobly woudln't even use them. idk if your stock deck will have rca out's but you might need to run speaker wire instead of rca's as your inputs. talk to your installer to figuire that out. but after your ms-8 you'll need some short ones. for the amp kit, this one's nice.

    for rca's
    some of these for after your MS-8

    and for a 3 channel set if your car has 3 sets of outputs. you cna use this set
    Last edited: May 25, 2010