Ok guys...I know I have a thread about this kinda but whatever I don't care...we need more threads anyway...more shyt to talk about To refresh your minds...I want an amp that will push around 500 watts rms at 4 ohms My final choices are these...around $250 price range...I have $360 saved up but I need the rest for other upgrades. -Coustic 1200S...former best friend has the old school 401DB and it is a fairly nice amp...I like it...user friendly and packs a nice punch....I like the styling also http://www.techronics.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=2514 -Kicker ZX450.2...umm...Kicker is just badass...underrated is always a plus http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductID=16917 -Kenwood Excelon KAC-X812D...have had experience with the Kenwoods...old and new...don't care what people say but from my experience Kenwoods are pretty rugged...I've had a KAC-8101D wire at 1 ohm to two 15 L7's...hit pretty hard for what it was, never cut out (I didn't crank up the gain) -Phoenix Gold Xenon 600.1...dunno...looks like a good quality amp...rated at 600 watts between 1-4 ohms...flexible http://www.woofersetc.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=475 -Rockford Fosgate 501S...friend has an old school 800 watt amp like this...very durable and puts out rated power http://www.techronics.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=52 -Rockford Fosgate Punch P5002...um...free ground shipping is a plus lol...have has experience with the punch series amps...pretty good...get HOT AS PHUCK though...but free ground shipping...lol -Alpine MRP-M650....I like Alpine...wouldn't push 500 watts but hell http://www.techronics.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=3637 -Infinity Reference 611a...it's Infinity http://www.techronics.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=2870 -Of course the first amp I looked at the MB Quart RAA2400 http://www.techronics.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=2058 Alright alright alright...I know this is a hell of a selection...but I would like to have your opinions of these...I just want to make the right choice for me but I WANT THEM ALL haha...I just want an amp that will last a long time, reliable, powerful...hell just give me YOUR opinions on these. The more the merrier...I know there's more than a few people on here...bastards need to step up and post something...like your opinions of these amps so I can finally choose one and order it by the end of this week...thanks guys Peace out, Azn
No No No No No No, we carry that Infinity amp. Baaaadddddd Amp, good paper weight I guestion the specs on the Pheonix Gold AMP, I've never seen a Class D amp that puts out the same power at 1 or 4 ohms. ?????????????????????????????????????? One vote for Fosgate (old school) Would rather have the extra 100 watts from the Coustic, but I know nothing about those amps MB Quart, 800 watts, now I'm drooling can I vote for it too One vote for MB Quart
First off, i would shoot down the Coustic, always mediocre quality. Unfortuantly, i have had no experience with any of the other amps you have posted about... So, with that said, I can only go by specs, and thats not always accurate! Rockford, well, they have been around for a LONG time. PG, they are ...PG, never liked them back when they came out, were always overrated , but usually held up good Alpine has a very diverse opinion in my mind, A kind of love/hate idealoligy. I NEVER liked their amps, But always loved their HU's and some of the component speakers. Japanese amps are like japanese 4 clinder cars, make alot of noise but dont really do anything compared to and american V8 powered amp! If ya know what i mean... Infinity, they can choke on a large bowl of dickup, IMO. they should stick to speakers and even then, improve upon them. Kicker always did Ok, never heard or seen anything too bad out of them Then MB Quart. Well, The speakers always did good, but like infinity, They may not realize what an amp really is or how to make one. But then they may be like Soundstream and make one helluva an amp and speakers. My gut feeling tells me to go with kicker or MB, and not in that particualr order. Mb partially cause i am curious as to how they perform..... Just my 2 cents on the subject
Sounds to me like the amps use a impedance sensing technology that rolls back the power supply voltage the lower the impedance of the speakers.
OK Azn One of the installers I work with is a Fosgate fan (even though we do not deal with Fosgate, the competition down the road does) He said that both Fosgates will perform well. He did say that the newer Fosgate does run hot, but so far he has not heard of any problems. He feels that either Fosgate would be a good choice. Hey Azn, where is everyone else? The Viking and I are the only ones who bothered to respond. This is sad
I have no clue...where Haute??? Weird??? Eclipsed??? All of the other regulars??? This is indeed sad...to everyone else who is not contributing...just remember...whenever you need help...I will not be there....unless I'm bored and its 4 O'Clock in the morning...even then I will just call you gay Peace
If ya wanna go with a fosbreak, er, fosgate (he he) Look for a couple of OLD punch 150's!!! non HD, or even a power 650!! those would run some subs! The power 300 never impressed me much...........even though it was supposed to be like 2 punch 150's. I bet you could even find some KILLER ol Orion amps! that would be freekin kick ass! like a 425 hcca, or 2250 sx or 2100 hcca, or the likes!!!! that would show those kids on the street what REAL amps are all about! OH YA!
Viking...I would want an old school orion amp....but would they fall into my price range?? If you could find me an old school orion amp that is at max 300...then chime back here.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ORION-2100-HCCA...oryZ4950QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Only old Orion amp I could find on ebay...200 bucks...not even sure if it works
This one would kick ass!!!!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/Orion-HCCA-250R-Amplifier-Amp-great-condition-RARE_W0QQitemZ320 Id pay several hundred for it!!!!!
Hmmmm, If I was in the market for that one i would probably get it myself, even if it didnt work. COuld always be repaired. That amp is Totally fuucking awsome. I have installed probably 40 or 50 of them over the years. Thye are VERY power hungry! Did a system years ago using one those on 8 XTR 12's in a sealed box. darned thing hit about 145 dB. Not bad for "200 watts" of power.
i have a kicker amp that is 375 wats at 4 ohms the nexst one up is 500 wats at 4 ohms in seen for a littll ove $300. but honestly i would say go for the alpine. i will be geting an alpine amp for my spekers soon. kicker is good but i think alpine is beter
Thanks but I have already bought my amp...I have purchased the MB Quart RAA2400...sweet amp It is a beast...and also CEA-2006 compliant haha yes!!!
well? take the SOB apart and take pics of the internals. And how the hell does it perform????? what are you runing itt on???? Damnit i want to know! Hope its a good one for ya.
Internals are very nicely laid out...Looks like the whole board is split in half...one side for each channel. The amp has separate gain controls for the left and right channels....using it to push my 15 JL W4...Old school indeed...performs nicely...doesn't dim my lights as bad as I thought this beast would. Here is a picture of the amp guts taken from www.realmofexcursion.com under "amp guts" http://ampguts.realmofexcursion.com/MB_Quart_RAA2400/inside1.jpg
It appears to be a dual mono design, very good indeeed for all intents and purposes! It also appears that the power supply is rather "over built" in some respects...lots of transistors.....and a few diodes here and there..... The power supply caps are looking good enough for the intended purpose of the amp too, small, but fast and effectivce i presume. the output section looks VERY goof visually. plenty of capacitance for peak demands and a very nice layout over all. Not as well done as i expected from Quart in my opinion, but nice none the less. Photo wise, it looks alot better than alot of crap out there on the maket today..... Wondering, does it have a rgulated or unregulated power supply??? If you know.....