Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Matt5L, Jan 17, 2003.

  1. Matt5L

    Matt5L Guest

    What would sound best running off an amp:

    #1) 1 JL XR COMPONENT SET (no rear speakers)
    #2) 2 sets of JL XR Coxials Compset (the ones with xovers and swivle tweeter) a set in front and a set in rear

    The 2 sets of COXIALS I am getting off a friend and they will be $50 less then the comp set!

    Please let me know!

  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    1 set of comps
  3. Matt5L

    Matt5L Guest

    whys that? If I were to get the coaxs I would save $50 too beacuse Im getting them off a friend. The cost of the comp set would be about $200 to buy whereas the coxials would be about $350...
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    a rear fill will blow your stage and image all to hell. Also, the crossovers on the comps are nicer, and they allow for more flexability as well (differant tweeter positions and angles suit differant peoples tastes). Overall the benefits far outweigh the $50 you will save IMHO.
  5. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    One set will sound better for several reasons:

    1) Let's start with the quality of the actual products reproducing the sound.
    A JL XR coaxial costs less than a JL XR comp set, despite requiring extra parts (the tweeter doesn't hang in mid-air unassisted, you know! :p)
    There's a reason... where's the cost cutting come from?
    I've HEARD it was just the Xover, they have an inferior Xover.. I've also heard that the drivers truly are different... I don't quite know who to believe, but the coax's that I heard definitely didn't sound nearly as good as the XR comp set that I ended up purchasing for my own vehicle.
    The crossover holds a huge amount of responsibility in the sound quality chain... it doesn't just block the lows from the tweet, and block the highs from the mid.. it has to do so in a way that staggers the high pass and the low pass slopes juuuust right, so that there is relatively flat magnitude response across the crossover point, and so that there are minimal phasing anomolies at the crossover point.. huge factors in the imaging equation.

    2) Even if you were talking about equal product here (and you nearly are), having two sets of speakers playing like frequency ranges, having differing pathlengths to your head will very inherently result in phasing anomolies that will degrade imaging, and with it realism, and with it sound quality.
    Phasing anomolies blur a sound stage... particularly when trying to implement four speakers, with two behind you.. the result isn't a well defined stage, like being at a concert... the result is instead much more like being inside of a bar or night club... loud, but not even close to accurate, and as you move around, the sound changes.

    Check it out a little more here:
  6. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    1 set of comps[/b][/quote]

    Again, agreed. How often does this happen? :)

    I'd just get the one set of components and no rear fill. I don't believe there's a need for rear fill in most cars. The only exception might be in a vehicle like an Excursion or an Expedition.