Ok Guys I dont know how o do this but

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Sep 2, 2002.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I am willing to give away some gift Vouchers

    1- $20
    2- $10

    now I want to to this to get more members and ofcourse spead the word

    should I have ti based on "post count" "posts per day"



    Random to only new members, and then you old guys something extra??

    All I know it I want all my hard work to payoff, and 270memeber is not a payof :D
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I am looking in to it.....

    Give me a few days, I have to figurue out the best way to implement it and which manufactures to have

    im mean there are over 1000 manufatures anymore

    what do ypou think about THIS idea?
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    It may work, but it may not. I know I personally don't need any more car audio. So there is no real reason for me to put forth effort for this benefit. Now, I do quite often throw this forum all over trying to get more readership, so I'm not saying I don't try. I'm just saying, something like that is of no benefit to me. I'm sure many others feel that way too. I'm trying to figure out something that will be beneficial to me, as well as the forum. I like this place, the people are great, and we have no problems. I can only think of 1 time I had to do something directly to stop something I didn't like. Typically, the members here just need a quick warning, and are all friendly and respectful of each other. I think we got something special here. I push it cause I love it...

    Thats my $.02
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well it is kinda a 2 for one deal

    I need more sales, and I want more members

    With out income I can not pay hosting...........

    thus why I have the ads on here, every little bit I can get helps...

    when/if I get shop4sound selling to the point I stated in the "staff" area all the banners will dissapper except a few related to s4s.....

    but remeber with out s4s, there is no CAT......
  6. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    leave the ad banners. Losing them would be poor buisness. I don't care how much $ S4S is making, this is it's own buisness.
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member


    well I hate to tell you, this web site has not directy made me a penny, and probablly never will........

    these banners ad only pay out if someone buys the products they are linked to.....

    and they have a click rate of about 0.15% so..........

    if this is its own business it is bankrupt
  8. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    sounds good to me, i will be buying from you, when i dont know the subs will ship on the 5th, but it will most likely be at least a month till i buy amps, HU, and speakers. but i will gladly take sand's voucher and win my own vouch. what do i have to do. im kinda confused by ur first post.....
  9. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I dont know yet, that was what the post was about...

    and you will not beable to use more than one at a time anyway...

    I can nto afford that

    but sandt seems to think that s4s can go bankrupt and CAT will survie.....

    I dont quite think so.....

    if I am brake who is going to pay to hosting?

    who is going to mantain the site?
  10. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    most referrals? ... post count and post per day lead to basically spamming...

    but then you could get referrals that are basically someone signs up, posts a couple times...leaves...

    you want this related to the shopping?
    how about most sales referrals? i mean i pass around info all the time, not sure if i've ever helped you out with business but well that's an idea....


    i'll think bout it some and if i come up with anything i'll let you know
  11. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    GOD if only people would buy more from you. You have the best prices and service. I have tried, but the retards in my area would rather pay $80 a piece for bottom of the line sony spload subs from a neighborhood walmart than venture online and get a good deal(and maybe learn something along the way). I have a couple people looking into stuff online.... an A7HC from ya... but so few :( I think instead of a $20 voucher you should have a cadence remote bass boost module for the Z amplifiers to give away ;)