Noise On Am Radio Problem

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Steven Kephart, Oct 8, 2003.

  1. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    I installed an FM modulated XM unit in a Peterbuilt semi truck about 6 months ago. Apparently there is a new driver in the truck and he noticed that he is getting noise in his AM radio when he uses his turn signals. He is coming in tomorrow for me to see if I can fix it or not, and I thought I would see if you guys have any suggestions.

    The only part of that circuit that I touched would be the antenna. Do you think it could be coming from there? The only thing I can think of doing is make sure that the outside shield of the coaxial wire for the antenna has a solid ground. I could also add a new ground to the head unit, but I didn't touch that in my install.

    Does anyone else have any other suggestions? Is this a common occurance with satalite radio? I've never had anyone else complain, including my boss who and our previous installer who both have XM radio. But then I don't think he, or any of the other customers listen to AM radio.

    I'm having my boss turn on AM in his system and see if it is there. I'm also doing a Sirius install today in an Escalade, so I will check it as well.

    Thanks for any help.
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    My thought would be the antenna cable having a poor case ground, like you suspect... However, I don't do sattelite radio so I'll bow out of this aside from my first instinct.
  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    PS... Did you get my PM on the flasher?
  4. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    I posted this on Car Sound as well, and that's what they think as well.

    And yes, I did get your PM. Thank you for the help. I really do appreciate it.
  5. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    I T-tapped to the ground at the head unit and wrapped that wire around the outside of the antenna. The vehicle is a GM, so I had to use an antenna adapter when I put the head unit in. I sandwiched my ground wire in there to make sure the ground stayed in place. Unfortunately that didn't get rid of the sound.

    I did find out that some of my information was wrong. It wasn't FM modulated, but used a Sony Xplod tape deck connected to a Sony XM processor.

    The sound was really wierd. It was an odd rollong, chirping sound, and it happened with the brake, turn signals, etc. I noticed that he has another beeper inside the vehicle that makes sound as well for some reason. On hindsite, I'm wondering if that is what is causing it. But I pretty much eliminated the possibility that it was caused from the stereo I think. And with all the electronics on that thing, I couldn' tell him what it was.

    He asked if he could pay our shop rate per hour to hunt it down. But I personally don't know enough about semi's to tackle that. I figured it would take a week to find the problem. I would have to completely strip out the interior of the thing and start hunting. I told him to go to a diesel mechanic and see if they can find it. I figured it could be as simple as one of the many batteries having a corroded terminal creating a bad connection. But paying so much for me to go through that vehicle to find a noise that only shows up on AM radio which he doesn't liten to that often doesn't make sense.

    My boss used to be a diesel mechanic, so I told him about his offer to pay us shop rate to find it. His imediate response was NO! He says that it those things are a real pain.

    I am still curious. Based on the new information, does anyone know what it could be?
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    like with any noise problem, the easyiest and afstest thing to do is process of elimination

    My first step would have been to uninstall the XM unit and see if the Noise was still there

    if it was, you can be sure something else is in play

    However if it was not, well it is in the XM unit, or the Wires running in to the XM unit

    As far as other sources of the noise

    that is really hard to say, Semi;s have a pretty complex electrical system (more so than cars) because they are based on 24V system that runs the truck and a 12v sub system for the Accories in the cab

    it could litterally be a million Things causing it

    Since you have many more Curcits and such in it

    My Question for the Driver/Compnay would be to find out what if any Items have been repaired, Services or Replaced Recently, or if the Driver add any "kickers" or other devices (that are illgeal so probally not admitted to it) to amplifiy his CB Radio

    Such Devices could Cause the Kind of RF interferance your describing