New Tutorials Coming

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by sandt38, Oct 26, 2003.

  1. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Hey all...

    I am beginning the process of building the SPL Camino. Durring the process I will begin a series of tutorials detailing the methoods and materials I will be using for each portion of the build. I will start out with body work, and I have begun my first tutorial that will detail buffing, wet-sanding, repairing scrathches and cracks, etc.

    I plan on chronicaling my interior work, including reupholstering doors in both carpet and vynal, and laying floor carpet as well as sound-deadening and finally a complete background and tutorial on the construction of an SPL competioion stereo install.

    I am building it on some space from CAT so it will be directly linked to CAT.

    I will go further into this, but I wanted to just start by offering the intro page for the buffing. Please fill me in on anythig you see that should be looked at of fixed... Thanks!!!

    Mike is showing me how to create directories and do some other little things right now, so we will have directories up soon.

    **edit** I just wanted to add this link so you guys can see what I have learned in just a few hours.

    Both pages were done by me, alone. I think it is apparent I am a rookie, but I am proud of how the pages have progressed thus far.**
  2. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Cant wait! I've allways been afraid of installing sound deadener. A tutorial might help out.
  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    OK everyone, be kind. This is my first attempt at web site building, so this is a bit rough. I built this completely by myself, with NO help from anyone.

    This took me several hours to do, and a ton of frustration, but I think I got it. I am still having some issues with a couple of the menus on the sidebar, but all the links work. Take a look please and tell me if you see anything I may need to fix aside from those pesky sidebars.

    Also note, all images will allow for a larger image when clicked upon. If that does not seem obvious in the text, let me know... I will correct it.
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Not bad at all, are you planning alot of Tutorials? I would suggest using a php include for you menu, that way it is the same for every page.. I can show you how if you intrested,

    btw I did not forget about you, just been busy with some sh!t today....
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I'm looking for simplicity. I used microsoft publisher for the sidebar and indexes (as well as everything else :p ).

    If the text is simple enough to add to the existing site, sure. I will be needing to manipulate it considerably as time goes on. If you look at the overview, you will see what I am planning on doing.

    It will be detailed and extensive ;)
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I'm looking for simplicity. I used microsoft publisher for the sidebar and indexes (as well as everything else :p ).

    If the text is simple enough to add to the existing site, sure. I will be needing to manipulate it considerably as time goes on. If you look at the overview, you will see what I am planning on doing.

    It will be detailed and extensive ;) [/b][/quote]
    well you will have a seperate file for the Menu, and then where ever you want that menu to appear you add in
    <?php include ('FILENAME AND PATH TO FILE'); ?>
  7. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Got the sidebars cleaned up. I opted to create my own hyperlink set-up, rather than the cheesy, difficult to use MSP set-up. I think it is cleaner, and if you look at the index page right above the overview, and the page links on the side, you will see I am going along the lines of my suggested tutorial structure.

    I realise you are busy Mike. I'm not rushing you, I am just trying to learn it on my own (like I said in the PM). I just found something that seemed like it would work and I went from there. I am hoping to develop a more professional appearance as I go. I think that in time, with practice, I may be able to get a really good looking page out of it. I can't tell you how much I have learned just last evening and this evening...
  8. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    **Update, the buffing section is completed. Please let me know if you see errors.
  9. luvdeftonz

    luvdeftonz Full Member

    So far it looks great. A few spelling errors (are you sure Michael isn't helping you put together the site :p ) and grammatical errors are present. Not a real big deal, but it did catch my eye...maybe I'm just anal about that kind of stuff. The last picture on page 3 didn't load for me...even after I reloaded the page and/or *right click-Show Picture*. One other thing that would make navigation a little easier is to have it so when you click a thumbnail, the resulting picture opens in another small window, instead of taking you to a new page where the user has to hit the back button to finish the tutorial. The last sentence on the last page of the Buffing Tutorial isn't complete, either...Otherwise, looks pretty damn good and is very much helpful.

    150 dB's at 30 hz!!! :jawdrop:

    I hope you restock your Depends Adult Diapers :lol:
  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I'd love to open in a new window, but I don't know how :(.

    I forgot to do my spellcheck before I posted :blush: and I made mental not to forget to do that. Oh well, good thing I went to Sams today and bought some Ginko Biloba :LMAO" . I fixed all the issue (I think, it takes a week for ginko to take effect), plus I added a really cool background, and made the text more visable ;).

    Yeah, actually I am going that low to create a physical feeling if you are sitting in the vehicle ;). I figure what better advertisement of your stereo gear than to make someone physically sick in the car due to the boom? :lmao:
  11. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I'm adding an index and tons of links...


    I think I am getting the hang of this ;).
  12. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Looking good Seth! :D
  13. ASM

    ASM Full Member

    Lookin good, I like the background.
  14. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Me too :p

    I needed something that kept with the black car, blackout engine, black interior, etc on one of my sites. I also wanted it to be subtle, not too hard on the eyes. I had to keep in mind that I needed to have the color and pattern designed so I could easily add text over it and achieve maximum contrast between the 2. So I took a basic pattern and manipulated color saturation and contrast to get that result.

    Want a link? Or would you like me to play with some patterns to develop one for you for your site?
  15. ASM

    ASM Full Member

    Cool, it looks easy on the eyes to me.

    No thank you Seth, atleast not now. I'm still just messing around with the stuff on my site. I will let you know later if I need anything though.