New Skin Test

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Oct 27, 2003.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Last few days I have been working on a New Theme Set for this site, and one I hope enough people will like that I can use it on Home Audio Talk, and when/if I add more sites a defualt for them as well

    I Really like it, and Regaurdless of what is said I will use it :p

    Preview it by clicking here

    or change to the theme in your Cpanel

    there are still a few buttons that need to be changed, and I want to add the rollover effect to the Forum Cells but for the most part is it done (90%)

    tell me what you think
  2. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    lookin pretty good...the graphic at the top spells sponsors as "sponsers"
  3. mustatang

    mustatang Full Member

    To be honest it feels a bit bland, which isn't always a bad thing. There are so many blue/gray forums around though. Needs a little more color if you ask me.

    The top picture feels huge also.

    I like the format though. All the info is easily accesable and readable. :bye:
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    that is what I was going for


    Easy to find

    Easy to use

    less Graphics

    the Other Default skin is too busy, and too complex for what I want

    plus there are FAR too many graphics which makes the load times high,

    as far as top logo, that can be changed easy

    but the Blue and grey is used alot because it is a reat color combo, and very pleasing and "mellow" to the eyes, using bright colors is hard to look at for extended period of time,

    I feel I need a SIMPLE base layout to bring in new members..

    what about you
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I reduced the Top Graphic,

    Better? no?
  6. mustatang

    mustatang Full Member

    The top looks much better now. :yes:

    If simple is what you are going for then you did an excellent job. I like the layout a lot.

    On the blue/gray thing I wish that someone would try a silver or cream or beige color. :huh:
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    maybe someone will ;)
  8. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    I like it 2nd best...still can't beat the Red Alert :).
  9. ASM

    ASM Full Member

    It looks pretty good. But I think your default here is one of the best color schemes I've seen.
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well I have a Few Concerns with that one

    1> it is VERY grafical, which as the member base grows the bandwidth useage with skyrock (why do you think CAF uses the stock vB theme, it is very server/bandwidth, freindly

    2> It is "busy" meaning there are alot of things going on, and IMO harder to read and use than the new one

    3> That is a Theme made by a Thrid Party, and used on ALOT of other web sites, I want something more custom to my site

    4> Adding New Features that that theme has become impossible because the creator will not release a GDK, or Inform people what font he/she used to create it, so I can not add links to the new Tutorial Sections, or the Web Links sections with out them looking "off" See the top of the page now...
  11. ASM

    ASM Full Member

    All good reasons to change. I still like these colors :rolleyes: But the new doesn't look bad by any means.
  12. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    It may BE server and bandwidth friendly... but really...
    You call that "the reason?" :p
    CAF uses the stock theme because it works, and Lee doesn't hit me as the sort of guy who's always on there looking for ways to improve the site...
    Hell, "search" down for a month at a time.. :rolleyes:
    Lookie, it's down again.. :oops:

    I really like that new skin a lot...
    My only concern is a question (because I can't tell from here)...

    I like to see icons that let me know if I've posted in a thread or not, so that I can scroll through the new posts and see if I'm in on that conversation or not...
    Does that new skin have icons like that, for the threads? If not, can it?
  13. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    I like the simplicity of that design...
    and I like the colour scheme...
    it is a bit bland tho, but that's expected...
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    It may BE server and bandwidth friendly... but really...
    You call that "the reason?" :p
    CAF uses the stock theme because it works, and Lee doesn't hit me as the sort of guy who's always on there looking for ways to improve the site...
    Hell, "search" down for a month at a time.. :rolleyes:
    Lookie, it's down again.. :oops:

    I really like that new skin a lot...
    My only concern is a question (because I can't tell from here)...

    I like to see icons that let me know if I've posted in a thread or not, so that I can scroll through the new posts and see if I'm in on that conversation or not...
    Does that new skin have icons like that, for the threads? If not, can it? [/b][/quote]
    Yes it has differant Icons, the ones with the "dot" in the center mean you have replied, the ones with out the "dot" mean you have not, the Faded Blue is no new replies, and Blue is New Replies, Faded Red is a ":hot" topic with no new replies, and Red is a "hot" topic with new replies

    why cant you see it

    you can change to it from your Control Panel, under Skin and Languages
  15. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    with this one 95% done now

    I am starting to think of my next color scheme, , proablly will be based on this layout only differant colors

    so how about it

    what colors would you like to see

    Name your color scheme, or if you know a site that has a color scheme you like post a link, I will look at it