New Rockford Fosgate Amps

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by PolkMM, Feb 11, 2004.

  1. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    Rockford Fosgate seems to have gotten their s*** together again with their new amps. They now have a 3000watt x1 @ 1ohm, and all of them (well the power, dont know about the punch) are fan cooled. That should take care of all the heating problems they had in the past. I like the design better too. I hardly see anyone talking about RF on this forum, so I guess not a lot of people use them here...but I just wanted to know what you guys think
    New Amps
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Great looking amps really and I mean great looking amps, and the apparent heavy venting and large finned heatsink looks capable of nice cooling. Nicely featured too, but I would like to see a variable subsonic rather than a fixed 28Hz setting. I love the variable 180 degree phase controll too. I hope to do some reading on these this evening. Old RF amps were nice, aside from heat issues. I expect them addressing that issue should make them solid contenders.

    Worth a look fellas.
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    now can the compete in PRICE???

    I know last year they were WAY WAY overpriced when you looked at compairable models in MTX, Apline etc, and i was looking at the MSRP not what I could find them for
  4. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    The Type-RF amps I've never been a fan of, and that's really simply a style comment. Too "Audiobahn" looking for my tastes, it isn't a look that says "we're serious about audio" to me.
    Even the name "Type-RF" is meant to sound like 'Type-R', which I might comment is the "so yesterday" buzz-term of a crowd who's style choices aren't being found difficult to criticize...

    The Power amps on the other hand, I think look exceptionally cool, even understated... at least if done in say, a flush-mount install. B)
    I definitely would be interested to see their prices...
    My guess is, they are in JL territory.. not exactly high on the "value" scale.
    I'd love to be surprised, though...

    The Punch amps look pretty cool too - definitely an improvement cosmetically...

    But the style across Rockford's lines really is simply uncoordinated...
    If you bought a Punch amp for your highs, and a Power amp for your subs... it actually would look worse than most amps would from completely different manufacturers mixed in one install. :rolleyes:
    Ditto for mixing in the Type-R...
    Er, Type-RF :rolleyes:
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    That is a statement
  6. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    Well, in comparison in RF and MTX, MTX is a little more expensive with their 2 channels than RF, MTX's mono amps are about the same, with MTX being cheaper until you get to the 1500x1 @2ohms amps
    RF BD1500 runs at $570 compared to the MTXs $430
    these prices are off of
    but i would never run components off of an MTX amp, theyre not very clean amps, RF isnt exactly TruTech, but theyre much cleaner than MTX
    granted MTX seem to be made like a tank
    i had a bd1000 and blew it, but that was my own fault
    but i dont think MTX comes with a 3 year warranty as does RF
    I'm excited to see what the prices are on these amps
  7. fb4076

    fb4076 Full Member

    just my 2 cents... I totally agree with what Sandt38 said, that is one of the nicest amps I have seen. I don't know how they perform, but I would give them a chance.
  8. robw

    robw Full Member

    mtx does come with a 3 year waranty. im not sure if that if it is limited to dealer instals only or what limitations are on it but it is 3 years. I have a 801d and have no complaints. as for rockford ill be intrested to here how thier new line goes over.
  9. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Well, in comparison in RF and MTX, MTX is a little more expensive with their 2 channels than RF, MTX's mono amps are about the same, with MTX being cheaper until you get to the 1500x1 @2ohms amps
    RF BD1500 runs at $570 compared to the MTXs $430
    these prices are off of
    but i would never run components off of an MTX amp, theyre not very clean amps, RF isnt exactly TruTech, but theyre much cleaner than MTX
    granted MTX seem to be made like a tank
    i had a bd1000 and blew it, but that was my own fault
    but i dont think MTX comes with a 3 year warranty as does RF
    I'm excited to see what the prices are on these amps
    -Cody [/b][/quote]
    hmm no........

    "Clean Amp"????? Go take RC's Challage and make some money........

    and truTech is far from the best out their IMO,

    and like I said, I compair MSRP, not what some unauthorized Dealer Charges, those prices very, because some sell Referbished, some Sell Conterfiet, you never know what you will get, unless you TRUST the source, I have never heard of the company you referred to so I dont trust them
  10. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    hmmm no what?
    well i went to sounddomain and they have all of MTX's prices slashed, so i went to acaraudio b/c it would take forever to look up the prices b/c you have to put them in your cart before itll tell you what the price is, a site which i have shopped from before
    just for you michael, when i get time, ill do a check at crutchfield
    when i say clean, i meant clean as in less distortion...sorry for the confusion
    and i never said TruTech was the best...but they are a much better brand than RF or MTX
    what did you mean by the "rc challenge"?
    were you just being an a**?
  11. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I am never a ass ;)

    and for the record I would not tocuh a RF amp made form 1999 - 2003 (have not played with the 04 models yet) with a 10ft pole

    TERRIBLE amps, IMO

    then what do you mean by "clean" the Sound Processors on the RF were FAR from good...
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    ohh and RC Challange is Richards Clarks Amp Challenge were he will pay like $10,000 for any person that can pass a Double Blind Test and pick which amp is Which....

    to date no one has done it
  13. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    oo ok
    I must differ with you about RF being "TERRIBLE" amps
    i think they are reasonable amps for the price
    in their price range...what would you recommend?
    and im pretty sure i could tell the difference b/t a mtx and rf if they were hooked up to a nice pair of components...subs no...components yes
    but ive never heard of the rc challenge before...that seems interesting
    i dont like rf's 2003 amps
    their 2002 amps were ok...
    i did like the 2001 amps though
    theres a big difference in 2001 and 2002
    i have a 500.2 made in 2001
    500 watts x1 @ 2 ohms
    i also have a couple of the 2002 550S
    550 watts x1 @ 2 ohms
    pretty much the same amp
    but on the birth, the 2001 model does 810 watts @ 2 ohms at 113.96 volts
    the 2002 models do 582@13.93V and 570@14V
    my old bd1000 did 1236watts(2001 model)
    what a difference a year makes...
    now to wait and see what 2004 brings
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    have you ever had anything pre 99? like may 96 97??? now those were good amps

    and guess where alot of the design team went when they left RF in the late 90's??? MITEK

    I would get a MTX amp, a LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG time before i would buy RF

    In fact I did, I have the T1501D in my closest right now ;)
  15. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    I have heard pre-99 RF gear and yes, its good stuff
    i know their newer stuff has been going down hill
    (see first post: "Rockford Fosgate seems to have gotten their s*** together again)
    im just trying to say that i dont think theyre that bad of an amp
    i never knew that a bunch of RF people went to mitek
    thats interesting
    what type of amps do you run?
    and what do you think are some of the better amps out there?
  16. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I run anything that is cheap, produces power, and does not burn me when i touch it

    I Current own a Audiobahn A12001D that I have had for 4 years

    and a MTX T15001D that have I had for a few months and never hooked up,

    the Audiobahn is in my Truck, and let my Cousin Borrow my Car so I dont have a car to install the MTX in

    and I would not mind Trying out the new RF and see if they are better, but I dont know if I would buy one

    I will wait for some reports from others first I think :p
  17. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    looks like thats a no...
    Power ratings and prices off the PDF file:
    T5002--75x2@4ohms, 150x2@2ohms,250x2@1ohm, 500x1@2ohms--$399.99
    T8002—125X2@4ohms, 250x2@2ohms, 400x2@1ohm, 800x1@2ohms--$599.99
    T15002--250x2@4ohms, 500x2@2ohms, 750x1@1ohm, 1500x1@2ohms--$1,099.99
    T8004—50x4@4ohms, 100x4@2ohms, 200x4@1ohm, 400x2@2ohms--$699.99
    T15004—125x4@4ohms, 250x4@2ohms, 375x4@1ohm, 750x2@2ohms--$1,199.99
    T10001bd—500x1@4ohms, 750x1@2ohms, 1000x1@1ohm--$699.99
    T20001bd--750x1@4ohms, 1500x1@2ohms, 2000x1@1ohm--$1,099.99
    T30001bd—1000x1@4ohms, 2000x1@2ohms, 3000x1@1ohm--$1,799.99
    -RF--pdf file

    this is interesting...
  18. superman

    superman Guest

    Hmmm... A major misconception is that MTX makes amps that put out "dirty" power. I think that this idea came into place when people saw the price comparisons against amps that were putting out the same amount of power at a 25% price hike. And the fact that MTX puts the birth sheets in with each amp I think has made some people a little suspicious. As for me, I wouldn't go with anything other than an MTX amp. Except when going with some of there larger mono block amps (700+) that I have had trouble with alternator whine because of what I think (and others that I have consulted) is a weak ground at the circuit board.

    And to further my support of MTX amps, didn't they win a couple SQ competitions just a year or two ago? Hmmmm, maybe this bad SQ rumor is just a myth? ;)
  19. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I have no issues with MTX amps. Personally, for the price I feel they are not bad amps, particularly when you consider they are mass-market type amps.


    Like the fellow in that post said, I am interested in the testing practices and where the info came from. In the box birth sheets are really easy to manipulate, from the Mfg's standpoint. There is no need to diclose testing voltage, distortion, load, and duration figures. There are important to me. Real world on the bench testing is a differant story.

    While I have no doubt the RF amps put out above power, as they are very good at that, I find the 955WRMS from a 500WRMS rated amp rather exagerated. If I had seen 600 watts from this amp, I would have believed it, but come on, 1000 watts from a 500 watt amp? this amp is underrated by 50%? I don't buy that at all.

    Still, power isn't everything.

    I still like those amps though, they do look nice. But I'm gonna give them some time to see what others think before I pick mine up.
  20. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    I agree totally, it does seem very iffy...but it is interesting enough to check out
    i have a 2001 model 500.2 that does 810 watts at 13.96 volts, its rated at 500, i have 2 2002 550S that are rated at 550 and put out 570-580...a year makes a lot of difference, id still rather have a couple of there 98ish amps that havent been used before...