this good?? im getting subs(2), speakers, an amp, and a head unit. im new here so help me out a bit. reccommendations for subs?
seems like a good entry level sub by Alpine. Aye, get a quality amp to push them and it should work great. Oh, and make sure you get the proper sized box with them or no amp in the world will help.
I like the Alpine Type E's...pretty efficient sub and sounds really nice. Only thing is that they require large sealed boxes to have a smooth response curve...In too small a sealed box the response is peaky. You'll notice that there is no ported box volume because they are made for sealed boxes...if you want to put a couple in a ported box it'll need to be around 4 cu ft to get a smooth curve
decent subs.. and like the boys said.. don't discount the importance of a properly built and tuned enclosure.. what HU?
really havent looked into HU's much yet. figuring out subs and amps, then speakers and HU. why? suggestions?
well I really like the Eclipse CD3000 for the price its hard to beat. Just depends on your budget. I paid about 250 bucks for mine installed.