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new guy looking for some sub recomendatons

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by cpl rampage, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. cpl rampage

    cpl rampage Full Member

    Well, some how I blew my old sub, don't know how, it was well under the rated RMS, and it broke when i wasn't even using it, i think it broke due to being tossed around, but i haven't had a chance to check it out. either way, I am going to need a new sub...

    Currently I have an Orion P12D4 sub, in a small, ~1 cu. Ft. box. I love this sub, great sounding, good response and bumps real good in a small box. It is powered by an alpine mono amp, MRP-M350 350 W RMS at 2 ohms.

    I am looking for a new sub, and i would like to stick with a small box, although i will make a new box depending on the requirements of the sub. It has to either be a DVC 4 ohms each, or a SVC 2 ohm sub, and an RMS Wattage of 400-500 W.

    So with that i have two options:

    1.) shallow mount subs from either kicker, pioneer, or RF? Which ones are the best? or should i not get a shallow sub at all?

    2.) regular sub, decent quality from kicker, alpine pioneer rf etc...

    I know a lot of my choice depends on what i listen to, but that's kind of tough because i listen to everything from metal and hardcore to trance and techno to rap to rock. i am looking for something that will be crisp and clean, while providing a moderate thump, im not one of those guys that tries to rattle their trunk off, i just want to fill in the lower frequency's, and get a good thump to your back when listening to those bass heavy trance and rap songs.

    And finally, the bank... I don't want to spend a lot, but with my low wattage requirements that's not too hard, at the absolute max i would like to spend 140(ebay or sale prices) or so, which should give me plenty of options.

    Any advice or opinions are appreciated, let me know if I forgot anything
  2. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    what kind of vehicle will it be going in?
  3. cpl rampage

    cpl rampage Full Member

    sorry, its a 95 civic ex coupe. i have space to do a full single sub, but the shallow mount subs look like a good option because i can have it right against the back seat.
  4. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    so do you only want kicker, pioneer, rf, or alpine? or would you also be interested in other brands because alot of people on here really like elemental designs...
  5. cpl rampage

    cpl rampage Full Member

    im open to anything as long as it has good quality, and good support, doesn't break the bank, and sounds good. and i suppose preforms well in a small enclosure. if you had recommendations from elemental as well as some more well known brands that would be cool too.
  6. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    their subs are real good quality indeed. most of them work well in very small enclosures.
    their e3 12 works in a 1cf box and is only 125 bucks and can handle up to 500 watts.

    i cant think of any other subs right now but im going to look.
  7. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    hmmm you can also look into a kicker L5 or L7 10 in sub. only has 12 cu inches less cone area than a round 12 and will work well in a small box as yours.

    i used to have one a few years back in a factory .88cf enclosure and it played very well in my hatch. had nice tight and punchy bass.
  8. cpl rampage

    cpl rampage Full Member

    would an L5/L7 really work that well in a small box? i suppose it is a smaller cone and would move a bit better...

    Im still up in the air about some of those shallow subs, can someone just say they are no good so i can stop looking at them lol?
  9. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    sure. like i said my 10 would get nasty even in that small of a box on only 280 watts.
  10. cpl rampage

    cpl rampage Full Member

    maybe i will look into that, it should bump pretty good, my frind has a 12 inch L5 in a big box and it bumps really hard, but im not gonna put that much into my system.
  11. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

  12. cpl rampage

    cpl rampage Full Member

    the only thing I don't like about that is its only DVC at 2 ohms each, and i need to have it at 4, i am really warming up to the L5 10inch in a small sealed box, after looking into the setup it seems like something i would like.