My friend wants his amp back, and I think my crossover took a sh** on me or something. This is what I was thinking. I am open to suggestions though. I don't care about speaker size, and I wanna stay under 200 and it better be loud and clear. the amp has to be plain black and chrome or silver. I wanna stay close to looks to my Nine.1 (2) at 2 ohms on
For comps,I'm pretty happy with my phoenix gold rsd's.They're rated at 60 wrms and i'm feeding mine a clean 100 wrms per side.For amps idk,I bought a used eclipse that was the shizzle back in it's day.
ever check out crescendo audio's component sets?? i have heard nothing but good things about them. they are also rated at 100 rms each side and just pick up a cheap amp off craigslist
I found this one that looks quite a bit like that one: Sorry, couldn't resist. Funny, I just ordered a 4-ch version of that Soundstream in your post for $87. I think it's 150x2 bridged.