New Computer

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by The_Ancient, Nov 10, 2002.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I am looking at buidling me a new PC

    What do you think

    Asus A7V333 Mother Board
    Asus CDRW5224A 52x/24x/42x CD-RW Drive
    Memorex DVD r rw drive
    Western Digital 120GB Hard Drive
    Keyboard2000 Keyboard and mouse
    Crucial 512MB DDR Ram
    CTX 19in Monitor
    Pine 6ch Sound Card
    ATI All In Wonder Radeon Video Card
    FoxConn 400W Mid Tower Case
    Dynotron CPU Fan
    AMD Althon XP1900AGOGA CPU which is as fast as the Normal XP2100

    anything wrong that you can see with this set up?

    Going to cost about $1200 plus shipping
  2. bonne-man

    bonne-man Full Member

    i don't know anything about building computers, but sounds great and powerful, and CHEAP, less than i bought my lees- than that powered gateway a year and a half ago. sounds kool

  3. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    That sounds pretty good Mike. I just built one for just over $500 that consists of:

    ECS Mobo
    XP1700 CPU w/ cooling fan (big ass fan too)
    GeForce MX 440 video card
    Samsung 80GB 7200RPM HD
    Benq 48x16x48 CD-RW drive
    256MB DDR RAM (Generic)
    Onboard sound and network

    I already had a monitor, KB, and mouse so i didn't need any of those. Your setup consists of name-brand stuff which'll add cost. The setup i've got consists of mainly generic or cheaper components but i don't regret it a bit. The machine is plenty fast and extremely stable. In other words, i believe you might be able to get the same performance for less.
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I know I could get Cheap Stuff but In my experace the Cheaper Motherboard are less stable, and offer less performace
    so I want to buy Asus, or Gigabyte. I have a Shuttle Now and I dont like it at all

    the Crucial Ram is only a Few Dollars more than say Kingston, so I would rather have the Better Crucial

    Your GEforce is in the Same Catagory as the ATI I want only the ATI has a Built in tv Tuner and TV On Demand, and TV Out cababilites

    That Asus 56X WRITE speed Drive is only $85... I could get a 40X for $51

    the DVD-R is $$$ at over $260 but it is new Tech so I have to pay for it, but it will payfor itesle when i start Burning DVD Movies I rent:D

    I have a Little 15in montor so I want somehting better
    and I just like that Key Board
  5. piperazine

    piperazine Full Member

    Sounds like an awesome setup, but I'd go w/ a Lite-on CDRW.

    That's just personal preference, tho-. And they tend to kill the compitition's similarly rated drives in read speed tests.

    Does the asus have a burn-proof write buffer?
  6. Alan

    Alan Full Member

    i built myself a computer.....
    similar to that one, i had an asus board, and 512mb of ram.....
    it still hasn't started up yet, and i'll tell ya right now asus has pretty poor customer service :angry:
    i guess i'll just pay a shop to look at it... Gay.
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Asus has some the the Best boards that I have heard about

    As for not starting up,

    What exactly is it doing,

    Have you Tersted the Power Supply in insure it is functioning right?

    Do you have the ram FULLY plug'ed in?

    Is the Ram Good? (try puttting a new Ram Chip in)

    I have "built" 5-6 PC, but this one is going to be the first "all new" PC I have built

    most of the other were eith CPU, Mother Board or Hard Drive Upgrades or peiceing together old PC's in to one lol
  8. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Wow Mike you will have a sweet ass machine.

    You can play any game you want on it.
  9. Alan

    Alan Full Member

    what it does, is it powers up
    all the fans start spinning etc etc......
    lights are on....
    i get no post though, and someone tells me that is because of a bad cpu, and someone else says that is caused by a bad MOBO.
    I also get no video.... the screen turns on, and then flickers itself off into "NO SIGNAL" mode.....
    its not the video card, or the AGP slot, because i tried a PC slots style video card with the same results. Any other ideas?
    and yes everything is plugged in correctly and firmly, i have taken it apart and redone it several times. :( :( :(
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    To my Knolwege only 3 Things will cause that

    1> Bad CPU
    2> Bad Mother Board
    3> Bad Ram

    Proablly your Best bet is to have a Shop check all three, as unless you prepared to Buy another of each and swap them one at a time

    Your Cheapest Route is to have a shop test each of them
  11. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Sounds like a pretty nice machine. I as well love the Asus boards. Right now I am using their A7V. Very stable.

    You have to overclock it to get as fast as a 2100 dont you?

    Is it the ATI All in Wonder Radeon 8500 or 9700? If it isnt either one of those its going to be slow and you may have troubles with drivers.

    Why not just get the Retail CPU, they come with a decent hs/fan? Unless your going to be overclocking it will serve the purpose.

    What kind of powersupply is it? Cheapo powersupply's can make the entire system unstable.

    Those are just my gripes :D
  12. Alan

    Alan Full Member

    im praying that its my RAM :(