New Components From Adire?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by delvryboy, Dec 3, 2003.

  1. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    it seems like i have been waiting for RE to release components forever

    i am somewhat unfimiliar with all of Adire's 'going ons'

    do they have intentions of releasing a new component set?

    price range?

  2. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    There's been no discussion of that that I know of...
    Although Adire has been working on some midrange drivers and the like.
    But Adire's main venture is in home audio and home theater, so it may be for that side of their house.
  3. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    I thought i heard Seth say they had something big coming out too....i dunno.
  4. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Oh they have "something big" coming out...

    Component speakers would be "something small", right?

    I really can't say any more. :D

  5. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Let's just say that everyone at Adire has been VERY busy lately. But Adire doesn't release information on what they are working on. Although they do lose out on the hype gained from it, it does cut down on the competition knowing what to expect.

    But it seems like Adire is always in the engineering stage of many different products. It's just that some things take a little longer than others. And the delay usually isn't their fault.
  6. mustatang

    mustatang Full Member

    Adire doesn't spill the beans unless you travel there and then Dan just lets loose. He loves to talk about whatever he is working on and the info comes at a rate that is almost to much to comprehend.

  7. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Definitely true. I was more meaning officially releasing the info. After all I have know about several things for about a year, and still haven't seen anything mentioned online about it. So it sounds like those people keep their mouths shut pretty well.

    Of course I'm so excited about them, I can't wait till they are released.
  8. mustatang

    mustatang Full Member

    Did Dan let you know that he would have an ex-special operations marine come and hunt you down for releasing how technology works before they can get it patented?

    That may have something to do with keeping the info off the boards. :p
  9. mustatang

    mustatang Full Member

  10. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    does make you think....

    any possibility of an xbl^2 comp set??? since RE is doing one it sounds about right....or just a new comp set altogether?

    i guess it could be a it's almost christmas time or just get rid of 03 stock sale however...i dunno
  11. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    I think that is a good thing!

    That way they don't have to worry about living up to their name (like certain subs ;) :p ) and instead make thier own name.

    I'd like to see a new comp set form Adire because I just wasn't that impressed with the Kodas (esp their surround issue).
  12. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Multiple pointsource installs with on axis tweets (particularly in sail panels) would not float my boat either Chris... 95% install my man, 95% install...

    I just see a confusing stage, and imaging nightmares. :bag:

    The thought of it makes me cringe ;) .

    Funny, of all the Koda sets I have sold, I have never had a surround issue (or any issue actually). Last I heard Steven discussing it, I recall he mentioned never having any issues either. 2 or 3 issues on the forum sounds like a huge deal, cause the threads get into these long drawn out issues. Then suddenly, with 1 or 2 failures people are saying "all the Koda surrounds are falling off"... But the numbers are well within the acceptable percentile for failure. Hell, with a personal success rate of 100% this year, I think the issues are really non-issues. I'm not saying that the people with the units are lying, but the #s don't justify that as a real reason for concerns. I don't care what company it is, or what product it is, they will have failures.
  13. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Multiple pointsource installs with on axis tweets (particularly in sail panels) would not float my boat either Chris... 95% install my man, 95% install...

    I just see a confusing stage, and imaging nightmares. :bag:

    The thought of it makes me cringe ;) .

    Funny, of all the Koda sets I have sold, I have never had a surround issue (or any issue actually). Last I heard Steven discussing it, I recall he mentioned never having any issues either. 2 or 3 issues on the forum sounds like a huge deal, cause the threads get into these long drawn out issues. Then suddenly, with 1 or 2 failures people are saying "all the Koda surrounds are falling off"... But the numbers are well within the acceptable percentile for failure. Hell, with a personal success rate of 100% this year, I think the issues are really non-issues. I'm not saying that the people with the units are lying, but the #s don't justify that as a real reason for concerns. I don't care what company it is, or what product it is, they will have failures. [/b][/quote]
    Oh I completely agree that it is in the install and unfourtinately I have to draw my conclusion from only one install. :(

    As far as the srounds, thats good to hear. Even though knowing I still have to cut or screw through it would not sit in my stomach right. I heard about the ones that broke and the ones that had to be reglued and it just kind of startles me. :unsure: I also thought it happened quite a number of times, maybe not? If not then thats really good to hear and nice to see the failure rate isn't as high as I though it was.

    So whens Adire comming out with a new w7 killer? I hear Eclipse has plans in the mix for one, could it be that I will trade in my w7s for something else before they even see power. :p Hell, the w7 has been king long enough, when is JL going to come out with the w8 or better :D.
  14. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Multiple pointsource installs with on axis tweets (particularly in sail panels) would not float my boat either Chris... 95% install my man, 95% install...

    I just see a confusing stage, and imaging nightmares. :bag:

    The thought of it makes me cringe ;) .

    Funny, of all the Koda sets I have sold, I have never had a surround issue (or any issue actually). Last I heard Steven discussing it, I recall he mentioned never having any issues either. 2 or 3 issues on the forum sounds like a huge deal, cause the threads get into these long drawn out issues. Then suddenly, with 1 or 2 failures people are saying "all the Koda surrounds are falling off"... But the numbers are well within the acceptable percentile for failure. Hell, with a personal success rate of 100% this year, I think the issues are really non-issues. I'm not saying that the people with the units are lying, but the #s don't justify that as a real reason for concerns. I don't care what company it is, or what product it is, they will have failures. [/b][/quote]
    I've installed 3 sets myself, one being my own. I have sold I think 3 other sets. I have not had ANY problems with it. I think the problems were coming from people screwing them down too hard. But I leard the hard way on my old Kappa speakers on that one. So I don't screw down speakers to as tight as possible. My experiences show there is no reason for concern. It is nice to know that Seth's experiences were the same.

    BTW, Dan said he had very few people complain about it. He did get one set back where the customer complained online in one of those long threads. Dan said the speakers were in such a mess, he didn't warranty them. It was obvious abuse.
  15. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Very Interesting! :detective:
  16. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    While I had no direct experience with the Kodas I'd have to take Seth and Stephen's side on this one. I'm sure they used a material that was both economical and sound. If there would've been known issues it would've been stupid to keep that in place unless it woulda been cheaper to replace all with problems in the long run..ehhh....not likely.

    Over-torquing is bad for everything...and I think a lot of the problem had to with people screwing it into a piece of hardboard or whatever their door panel is constructed of and expecting it to set perfectly...or perhaps fully tightening each screw at a time....i think i'd use a rubber gasket if i ever installed them...or a washer like what's his name made, just because it is human to err and i've over torqued things before as well
  17. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Well the problem was that the surrond covered up the mounting holes and you had to scre through the surround, and then sometimes the surround would come unglued because of this.

    I just though it used to happen more often then it aparently did...
  18. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    Well the problem was that the surrond covered up the mounting holes and you had to scre through the surround, and then sometimes the surround would come unglued because of this.

    I just though it used to happen more often then it aparently did... [/b][/quote]
    exactly the point i was trying to make at CAF ;)
  19. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    Ok, so I'm guessing that people went to mount these things and just screwed straight through the whole with a screw rather than taking a bit to it first??? That would obviously pull some surround, so was that the case?
  20. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    exactly the point i was trying to make at CAF ;) [/b][/quote]
    Yes the Kodas did happen to break more than I thought they did. However with the As I know of several cases for sure and know that it happened more than once or twice.

    Also, in reply to the post on CAF (not tryign to drag shit over here, but just more of a note) I emailed/PMed Ben asking him if he wold provide me on the articles about the As he has written along with some other information regarding nunber of 15As defective that hit the custmers hands and number of subs they sell and some other info. I am doubtful that he will send me the info regarding the volume of subs (Im not sure if he wants to disclose this information (in some wyas I wouldn't blame him) or he may not even be able too...).