i just bought a new clarion dxz265 deck, wired it up, made it fit, turned it on and no sound. all the other controls seem to work fine but there is almost no sound at all being produced. at sound level 0 there is nothing but when turning it up to level 1 it makes a pop noise and is very quiet and from settings 1-33 the sound level stays consistant. i thought ok i wired something wrong so better check. i plugged my other clarion deck in and it works awesome. this is a factory stereo so idk whats going on. Im told this deck has a mute setting but u need the remote to mute it and it kinda sounds like this thing is on mute but ive had power to it and not had power to it so i think it would lose its memory. any ideas? any help at all would be appreciated. thanks.
What kind of car are you putting the radio in? Year make and model might help. And you said the factory radio does work, is that right?
88 chev cavalier. yes the factory radio worked as well as one of my other clarion decks that i plugged into my harness.
OK nothing strange about Cavaliers What I would do at this point' is use a DVM (Digital Volt Meter) to see what is going on. (I hope you have access to one, because I don't know a simpler way to see what is going on) I suspect the radio but I need to be sure. Measure the voltage on each speaker wire with the radio turned on. Each speaker lead should be about 1/2 of battery voltage (somewhere around 6 and 6.5-volts)and they all MUST be the same (within a tenth of a volt). If you can post back the voltages I can tell you whats going on. If you don't have access to a DVM, have a shop check the radio or hook up power to the radio (all speaker wires disconnected) and check each speaker output from the radio (one at a time) with a test speaker. The DVM method is better because it will check the car speakers and the radio at the same time