Net Enforcers Progress

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Oct 7, 2003.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Well I thought it would be Kinda Interesting to Track the progress of Net Enforcers and shuting down Ebay Auctions

    So, Over the next few months I will montitor ebay and see if the total number of auctions featuring the NetEnforcers Brands really goes down

    As of Today I have the Following Numbers

    10/07/2003 9PM

    Blaupunkt ------------> 144 Auctions
    MTX ------------------> 491 Auctions
    Clarion -------------> 592 Auctions
    Memphis ------------> 44 Auctions
    Xtant ---------------> 57 Auctions

    Non Net Enforcers brands

    kicker --------------> 727
    JL Audio -----------> 394
    Alpine ------------> 1,113
    Pioneer ----------> 2,307
    JVC --------------> 513

    Tell me if you find this interesting, or would like me to add brands
  2. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I tried searching Ebay for XBL2, no luck.
  3. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    The number of auctions will not really drop to zero...
    just that they will be required to explain/show that
    they are not authorized...

    but very interesting indeedee :D
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    not according to them

    they say even using the name, "mtx" or "bluapunkt" is illegal, and they can get ebay to close the auctions

    Infact I got in to a heated debate with that very type of statment with a blaupunk dude, Claiming my diclaimer stating I was not affilated with Blaupunkt was not enough and that they would still sue me, they never did, i sold them for Like 6mos after that and ever herd a word more about it :rolleyes:
  5. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    REally? that's weird...

    how are you supposed to sell something if you cant list what the product is?

    what is the requirement?
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Legally if I am selling the Blaupunkt Product, and I use Blaupunk name in the course of selling the product, I am prefectly fine, I must have missed a Day when the Taught Free Trade in Business School

    However, Legalitest Go out the window when you dealing with a 3rd party such as ebay, all the matters is whay EBAY is willing to believe, and how far they are willing to go, and buy the TOS of ebay, they will close down any auction, they got their fees for listing, what do they care???

    and in all likly hood, had I got a Offical cease and desist letter from a offical lawyer, I probally would have stopped selling, I never sold that many to begin with, and it would not be worth the MILLIONS in legal fees it would have took to actually fight it in court

    all the world we live in, it is not who is right or wrong, but how much money that have for lawyers :rolleyes:
  7. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    so even if i had a big banner on my ebay page screaming UNAUTHORIZED SALE that you have to scroll down past, and it took up two screen sizes

    ...they'd still sue your butt?

  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Alpine has now join up with Net Enforcers :eek:

    before long they will all be with Net Enforcers
  9. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member


    you shoulda started up a company like that

    i know you would love to shut down ebay fraud sales

    shut down ebay in the process...hahaha
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Ebay is only 1/2 of their service, they also monitor 3rd party sites, and offer legal advice to the manufactuers as what they can do to shut down those sites

    alougth I dont know of any successful actions by them other than on ebay, I feel it is only a matter of time before a few sites are targeted
  11. air1438

    air1438 Full Member

    Hello Micheal,

    Pleasure to see you over here.. Net Enforcers have already contacted me twice about Bazooka and Farenheit... Not sure why they did Farenheit as I am an authorized dealer for them.. BUT They seem to be in cahoots with the search engines cause along with their e-mail was a notice that would shut off my search results if I did not show them I was authorized to use the logos, text, etc.. Odd thing about it all is that I have tried to contact Net Enforcers (No reply either via e-mail or phone ) on the subject.. Additionally in their e-mail they claimed to be acting (on the behalf) of Farenheit .. This was a blatant lie since I have spoken to Farenheit and they never asked Net Enforcers to do anything of the like... I have been in contact with the Yahoo copyright division though and they seemed confused as to why I am getting no response from Net Enforcers and they have not shut off my search results as of this time... I think Net Enforcers has their work cut out for them to do all this and I am sure they are overwhelmed with the task they have taken on... I am all for it though.. As you know Micheal from the other forum I am pretty much sick of the internet and do not have a whole lot of interest in pushing it to any extent.. I can thank the net for putting me into a retail store with authorization for many brands.. BUT These days as you know it is a total joke.. :blowup:
    The lack of respect for equipment, the sale buy total idiots on the net astonishes me.. Makes me all to glad I opened a retail store 4.5 years ago...

    The problem e-bay runs into is that all the copyrighted material is stored on e-bays servers , unless the graphics are stolen from other sites (like mine).. This puts e-bay at risk of getting sued themselves for allowing the infringement to go on with their help... I am sure by years end Net Enforcers will do a lot of damage to many many a retailer... So all the idiots treating stuff like crap better watch out cause the net is coming down in a bad way... Some may think it sucks, some may think its not "free trade" and ultimately will result in higher prices.. BUT I think it is for the better... Seeing the net go from a great place to do business 7 years ago when I started this stuff, to what it is now a cut throat, hack the serial numbers off, lie to the consumers, then go out of business and steal everyones money makes me sick...

    Some lines will continue the net.. Pyle, Pyramid, Lanzar, Dual, Reactor, All the good ones... :rolleyes:

    Anyway all for now.. Nice board mike... No arguements this time.. :aurgue:

    Peace all

  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Few Points Jerry

    1> Ofcourse I am here, this is MY house, I own it 100%, I created it all my self that and my newest site (which your user name works their as well)

    2> If they dont even give a person a chance to defend themselves, and are acting upon behalf of manufacturers that have never contacted them, this is quite distrubing,

    Maybe, I need to contact them and see if I can get a statment, Since I am like a new organziation now, send them a offcail "caraudiotalk" press request :lol:

    3> This is a Double Edge Sword, I would never justify spending $500 on a Subwoofer, and I never will, if I can not find it cheaper, I just will not buy it

    Plus there are alot of KIDS that just dont have the money to buy at full retail, they lose out because they dont have big pockets, and then they my go in to STEALING it instead of buying online cheaper

    I agree online sales are out of hand, but there as always been and always will be a market for discount good, hell walmart is the biggest retailer in the world because of it....

    plus I would NEVER EVER step foot in my local dealers place again, I dont want to support the enpt buch that works their, nor their local monoplies

    which brings me to my next point, Until the manufacturers start doing more to make sure their dealers are treating the customers properly, and going thier JOBS I can not support their actons to cut off dealers, there are many good online dealers just trying to make a buck, i was, and the sole reason I started my online business because my local shop(s) (there were 2 now only 1) sucked, and I did/do not have the money to start a "real" store

    So that makes me a Criminal according to net enforcers, because I wanted to offer the public the best products at RESONABLE prices.....

    3. if you have a large problem with people "hotlinking" to your photos, there is a very easy way to stop that ;)
  13. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Yea, the great install service that best buy is famous for :blink: :unsure: :lmfao:
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    let see how things have changed, about 10 days later

    Blaupunkt --------------> 164 Up 20 auctions
    MTX ----------------------> 511 up 20 auctions
    Clarion-------------------> 562 down 30 auctions
    Memphis ---------------> 44 no change
    Xtant -------------------> 59 up 2 auctions

    Rockford Fosgate -----> 979 (no data before)
    Alpine -----------------> 1142 up 19 auctions

    Kicker ------------------->841 up 114 auctions
    JL Audio ----------------> 417 up 23 auctions
    Pioneer ----------------> 2293 down 14 auctions
    JVC --------------------- 514 up 1

    Looks to me as if Net Enforcers has been ineffective in shutting down auctions, hmmm I hope they are not paying too much for their servces
  15. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Does this affect people selling their old equipment on ebay?
  16. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    not as long as your using YOUR image, and not the image off the manufactueres web site

    and you clearly list the item as USED
  17. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    nope, not at least not from a legal standpoint, as long as the item is stated as being used
  18. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Ok cool.