Need Suggestions on a Budget system

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by tylerj, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. tylerj

    tylerj Member

    alright, next month i will have about $450 too get myself an amp and subwoofers.

    i need some advice on what too buy with this extremly tight budget. Im looking for alot of boom for my money... sofar i was thinking

    -2x Pioneer TS-W308D2's

    - Lanzar Vibe 276 amp


    - Sound Ordanance B-24 enclosed 12"

    - haven't looked for an appropriate amp yet.

    I already have a Sony XM ZR1852 2 channel amp, which puts out 200w per channel, which i will be useing too power new 6x9's. i will buy those either this check, or my next paycheck.

    any suggestions would be appriciated, i spent the last 4 days researching Car stereos, and think i have somewhat figured out how too pair subwoofers with an appropriate amp.

    thank you
  2. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    I think MA audio should do you fine, i'd go with either the
    HK2000D , whitch is 1800 rms watts, but that will probobly break your budget if you intend to spend more than 200$ on a sub. or I'd go with the HK1998, whitch is 1200 watts rms

    for a sub for the hk1998, i'd use this

    or for the HK2000D, I'd use

    wire that baby down to 1 ohm, (parallel coils) and you're good to go. you can find the HF2000D on ebay, for as low as 270$, and probobly find cheaper prices on that sub as well but you'd probobly get more bang for your buck out of the HK1998 and the dual sub, with the custom MA audio box, which will kick pretty hard. let me know how you like either of them if you get them, becuas i was considering them in my build that i'm working on :)

    but always remember to assume company's are boasting numbers, very few company's will give true numbers.
    the 1200 is most likly only abouy, 1050-1100 watts, and thats even at an 85% efficiancy. the 1200 is just the calculation they did for 14.4 volts and 90 amps, and than they rounded it to the nearst 1000, so the hk2000 is 120 amps at 14.4 is only 1728 watts. realisticly i'd say 1650-1700, as far peaks go, they vary, but both of those subs slections i showed have plenty of head room for the peaks on those amps.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2010
  3. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    What kind of car are you putting this in? And do you have an aftermarket head unit?
  4. tylerj

    tylerj Member

    this is going into my 1999 chevy lumina, there is enough trunkspace too put an elephant into it.

    and the headunit is stock, but i can get my hands on a used pioneer headunit from my roommate for $50, barely used.

    thankyou for the suggestions sofar, looks very promising besides that i have not heard of that particular brand. i trust that 90% of the users on this site know alot more about systems then i do :)
  5. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Yeah you do have a ton of trunk space. I'd definitely get a head unit before doing the rest of this it will make a huge difference. Also you have to remember that the box is the most important thing that determines a subs performance.

    With that being said I would wait and save just a little more and get this eD 13Av.2 + Nine.1 combo. elemental Designs is a great company and they are very customer oriented, any question you have they will gladly answer.
  6. tylerj

    tylerj Member

    sadly the link you posted only leads me too the home of the edseigaudio website.

    someone recommended these subs:
    for the price, I was told they sound rather good.

    any other ideas are deffinatly welcome
  7. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    I woudlnt touch boozoka :|

    did you check out the MA audio stuff i linked?
  8. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member