I have been looking at mostly alpines. Im trying to get some loud and clear subs. Anyone wanna give me a few suggestions, i have around a $120 budget per sub, yeah its low, i work at Round Table what do you expect.
What kind of vehicle? How much power/what kind of amp? what kind of room do you have to dedicate for the sub box? And do you like Ham sandwiches? er, nevermind the last one!!!
I got a 91 nissan pickup but im gettin a new vehicle and im gonna just move the amp and subs over. I was actually gonna ask for the subs first, and then ask what amp would be good for them. As for room, i have plent of space. My truck is a king cab so im gonna put them behind the seats.
I would look for some subs with a high sensitivity, at least 90 dB @ 1 watt/1 meter...also look for a sub that would like a vented box, that is key in getting a good clean loud system. Beins how it is gunna be in a truck, might lok at something that is at least 12 inches in diameter...and maybe even jus go with ONE sub of higher quality with a little more power, in the right box.....that can give Excellent results. As far as brands go.......well, like i always say, All car audio equipment is junk....just some a little better than others!!!!!! LOL!!!! I will throw out a few names that i have come to like from personal experience, Orion, Fusion, and well, thatsit really...Any quality brand woofer will do you well. But remember this, and dont let no-one tell ya different, The enclosure the sub is put into , THATS one of the biggest factors in making a sub perform as it should. Even a cheap ass crap woofer can sound good in a corect box......as can a high end woofer in the wrong box sound like a dog terd on toast..... food for thought for ya.
if your getting a new car soon.buy somthing that will work in both.no need to spend money on a good box now only to have to spend more on a diffrent box later.
Infinity makes some nice subs are are affordable but all of them have alteast a 90 db sensitivity rating and will work in sealed, ported, or bandpass enclosures.
i agree with aznboi, I had infinity's and I loved them. One 12 or 10 inch kappa perfect will give you enough bass. but If you're planning on getting a new car soon. then maybe you should just wait till you get that new car. and get a jl stealth box for the new auto. Good luck.
ya dont worry about waiting for a new car. I'll make sure that the subs will fit in my new vehicle. But ya, if i got infinities, i'd want 2 10's or 12's but what amp would work good with them?
how much you wanna spend on one,or can spend? also at what impedance? 4 ohm stereo 4ohm mono 2ohm mono or 1 ohm mono?