I plan on buying some new subwoofers for my single cab truck. Right now I have picked out this and am getting two of them. What I would like to know is what kind of amp would i need to get . These have 150w RMS and 300w peak , so I suppose i need a two channel amp but would like to know some suggestions on the wattage of the amp. Not really clear on what amp i should get because i don't know if i got an amp that has 400 watt to each channel if i can adjust it to like 130w to be safe for the RMS. Any clarifications or what amp would fit the subs i'm getting would be very much appreciated.
look for an amp that is rated to do 150 x 2 rms. if you get a more powerful amp you can adjust the gain lower so as not to overpower the subs.
Alright thanks for the reply , that clears that part up . I assume that my door speakers will connect to my stereo and not my amp , the door speakers are factory.
thats a good start. amp on subs and deck on door spakers. although you can run the amp to everything...but it involves ALOT of passive cross overs.... a quality 150x2 amp as pedro suggested would be a good start
I have one last question I believe , thanks for the responses. Is it possible to hook the subs to my computer until i buy an amp ? I know if it is , i'll need an RCA adapter.
i wouldnt suggest a 2 channel amp.. u can prolly buy a small mono block amp fairly cheap and will be alot more efficient and take less power to run it then a 2 channal class a/b amp.. i have a RE audio dts800.1 if ur interested.. it will do 280watts rms @ 2 ohm.. im assuming those subs are single 4 ohm coils.. which would be a decent match for those subs... clean power.. im asking 170 shipped for the amp.. its brand new in box...