need porting help

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by darryle, May 18, 2010.

  1. darryle

    darryle Full Member

    1.6 cu ft box less driver and section of port in the box 1.45 cu ft.What is the effect of having 6" of my 4" round port. sides only within 1.5" of two internal sides of box, will it lower the tuning frquency or what.I will have 12 " of port out of box,I am trying to tune to 32 hz Thanks Darryle
  2. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    For 32 Hz, you will need a 4-inch port thats about 20-inches long. It doesnt matter if the port is inside or outside the box.

    But a small box and a low tuning will make for one awful sounding box, remember if you want a low hit, increase the size of the box. Port tuning tends to have more effect on relative gain than tuning. Lower tuning, less relative gain (not as loud), higher tuning, more relative gain (louder).

    Box size, lets shoot for 2 to 2.5 cu ft
  3. darryle

    darryle Full Member

    I'm limited to 1.6 cu ft each 10, driven by two soundstream D200 bridged mono 240 per 10,not really interested in SPL just SQ,Have two D100'S for mids and two class A 50's for tweets.My bad on the 18"port tubes , what would you tune at
  4. darryle

    darryle Full Member

    bump... imput greatly appeciated
  5. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    I missed the 10-inch woofer part, your box size and tuning is OK. But can we change the port size to a 3-inch round port? Your port would have a much more reasonable length. It would only need to be 10-inches long.