Need Help

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Mitch23, Apr 16, 2004.

  1. Mitch23

    Mitch23 New Member

    I am in the market for a Brahma 12 and am wondering what size of a box and amp i should run. i am a little limited on space since i have a single cab silverado but i am thinking about takeing the center jump seat out and have a custom fiberglass box made for it any suggestions or opoins would be a great help.
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I like to see around 800-1100 watts to the driver. This keeps a small enclosure size with awesome SQ and ungodly output... all while staying very safe both thermaly and mechanicaly.

    My suggestion is a Cadence Z9000, and a 1 cubic foot sealed enclosure (before displacement) for a total of .85 feet. I run a Z7000 to mine and let me tell you, there are few things in the world that can make me grin like a Brahma 12 and AB Cadence power ;).

    Look at This place for the Cadence (check out the awesome price on the CF cover too, under $290 ;) ).
  3. Mitch23

    Mitch23 New Member

    how good does the sub sound and since i will have it sitting right next to me do u think i should double it up with another. I just had my previous system stolen i had 2 solo baric 10's with a fosgate amp with a eclipse head unit i just bought a new alpine head unit the cda-9835 and was also wondering if i should invest in a eq. :crutch:
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    The Solos will sound like ass after you hear the Brahma 12. You will never believe how much nicer the Brahma will sound.

    Considering the location you suggest for the sub, I suspect the old subs were there as well? If so, the space you had them in may have been choking them and the Brahma would easily beat their output. If they were sealed, fergetaboutit... The Brahma sealed will outdisplace the dual solos easily.

    I thought I had impresive numbers with my Brahma, but I just read about a guy with a single Brahma 10 with a certified 147+, in his daily driver set-up.

    I don't suspect you will need more than 1 driver, but I'll tell you what... I sell package deals on the drivers. If you buy 1 from me and it is not enough, I will sell you the second driver at a reduced cost so the 2 seperate drivers will cost the same as the package deal. As far as I know, my packages are the cheapest around too... call it insurance for you, and hopefully a savings for you as well.

    The EQ depends on alot of things really, and it is totally up to you. I don't like them, and besides... you have a 5 band PEQ with your Alpine. That should be enough for most people.