The new box I have is supposed to be tuned to 35hz,but I think it might be tuned to 53hz.The dimensions are:17.5x12.5x34.5.The port dim. is 4x10x7.25.The box is made of 3/4 mdf and my speaker disp. is .06 per sub and I have 3.I came up with 3.36cu - .18cu(speaker disp.)=3.18 Then 3.18-.17(port disp.)=3.01 When I punch this into slot port calc,it says the box is tuned to 53.5hz.I just want to know if this is correct and if it is I want to know how to tune down to 35hz.When I play around with the port sizes 4x3.55x7.25 put me at 35hz.Any help is appreciated.
Yea, i came up with 3.04 cubes after all displacements tuned to 53hz. To tune to 35 hz, i came up with 19.5x12.5x35.5 and the port is 4x10x24. This gives you 2.96 cubes tuned to 35.3 hz. If these measurements wont work, tell me your max dimensions.
Thanks for the help.The problem is the box is already done.Having the 4x10x7.25(inside dim.)port,I was hoping to make the port smaller.The bottom of the port is also the bottom of the box so I thought that maybe I could screw through the bottom and make it smaller.If I take 3 pieces of 3/4 mdf 10x7.25 and screw together and then from bottom,I would have a 10x1.75x7.25 and that would put me at 38.3hz?What would you do?I really don't want to make another box.
I just redid the calculations and i came up with a port that is 3x10x16. This is using the box dimensions you gave me. This comes up to 2.95 cubes tuned to 35.2 hz. If the port has 45s and the ends are rounded over, there shoudnt be much port noise at all.
So how would I do that?The port now is a rectangle.Sorry for the dumb questions,I'm just not getting it.
If I need to make a new box,than so be it.I drive a 1999 pontiac grand prix 2dr coupe.I think 40" wide is max,17.5" tall is max,maybe 16" deep but idk.I was thinking 35hz because that's what the manual says.The manual also says 1cu per,but somebody else told me 1.5cu per.Any sugg?
It wouldnt be that hard to make the port longer. All you would have to do is extend the 3 port sides so they are 25" in length. However, doing that will make your box a lot smaller. Prolly around 2.5 cubes or less.
Thanks for the advice.The box is glued and screwed together,so I figured I will cut the face off(from the sub side),make the port changes,and then put a new face on and just recut holes for port and woofers.I just have to mark the where the old screws are so I don't try to screw into them.