Need Help - Possibly wiring problem

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by aka_em, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. aka_em

    aka_em New Member

    Hopefully someone has experienced what I am currently experiencing.

    I have a 2004 VW Golf with a JVC KD-AR3000 aftermarket head unit professionally installed. The problem I am now having is that my speakers randomly cut in and out. It happens more frequently when I am operating the radio at lower volumes, it doesn't happen very often at higher volumes. The 4 sets of speakers in my car cut out randomly, sometimes just one set, sometimes up to 3 sets. When this happens, if I hit a bump in the road they sometimes start up again. Everytime it happens, if I turn up the volume the speakers that are not working start working and I can turn the volume back down until it happens again.

    Anybody have any ideas how I can fix this problem or where I should begin to look for the problem?

  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    hmmm.. i think it sounds like the speakers have gone bad. i have a radio at work that does this too. if i tap it it works then dies a few min later.

    if they are the originals they may be shot.

    sorry for the late reply.