need advise on how to hook up sub +amp+mid range and keep factory speakers

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by magnus28, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. magnus28

    magnus28 Member

    Hello all.. first time poster....

    I have a 2007 Mazda GT Sport (hatchback)

    I want to keep the factory deck and 6 factory speakers, the sound is
    great, but lacks bass... I have a pair of Sony Xplod 6x9's at 350 watts a piece. I am going to buy an amp in the 500-1000 watt range,
    and plan on buying a 10" Sub woofer around 1200 watts.

    I went to 2 car audio places and the quoted me in the $700-850 range for a cheap sub, 4 channel amp, and the wiring and installation.

    Looks like i'm going to buy the amp and sub myself, and I plan on mounting the amp to the back of the sub box, and the 2 6x9's on each side. I need advise on what I need to do to wire this all up,what I will need to buy, so my factory deck still will run the 6 factory speakers, and the amp I plan to buy will power the 6x9's and the sub.. thanks!!
  2. Promodmerc

    Promodmerc Full Member

    That 350w rating on those Sony speakers is the max watts they can handle. You need an apm that matches the RMS not the peak power. You will fry the speakers running a 500-1000 watt amp.

    Second I highly reommend looking for better speakers. They don't call them Xplods for nothing.
  3. magnus28

    magnus28 Member

    okay, although i'm somewhat of a noob when it comes to the nuances of car stereos + amps + crossovers etc, I'm obviously not that dumb to not know the difference between peak and rms power...

    The sony xplods are 350 watts a piece, the sub I plan on getting is 1200 watts, so that's 1900 watts of peak power, probably less than half of that rms. so I think a 500 watt amp would be enough to power 600-700 watts of rms speakers no?
  4. Promodmerc

    Promodmerc Full Member

    There is no way that those 6x9 speakers are rated at 350w RMS each. They can't even be rated at 175w RMS each The 350w is the max power they can handle for a slight time.

    Sony is bad about giving the max (peak) power rating and not the RMS. The max power isn't worth a hill of beans. RMS is what the speakers handle at a constant and RMS ratings on amps is the constant wattage an amp puts out.

    I'm willing to bet the RMS rating for those speakers is 75-90 watts each if that.

    Th sub could very well be 350w RMS but not the 6x9's.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2011
  5. shriver187

    shriver187 Full Member

    hey said max... he said also that total rms from sub and 6x9's would be 500-600.. but honestly ur wasting ur time adding the 6x9's if u like the sound of ur stereo now and just wanted more bass...
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2011
  6. magnus28

    magnus28 Member

    you are correct shriver ;-) Don't know why people don't read posts carefully before posting a reply.... The Sony speakers, and everything else I listed was peak power - I list speakers and amps just like the manufacturers do on the sticker on the front.

    Where are you located Shriver? I'm in Ontario.. so unless you are close by, i'd have to do the wiring myself.

    Do you have a cheap amp and sub to sell?

    I think < 1000 watt (peak) sub will be more then enough, and 500-600 watt amp would be plenty for my setup.
  7. Promodmerc

    Promodmerc Full Member

    I did read it carefully. You never once stated you were giving the max power. How am I suppose to read your mind. ?

    You never base anything on peak anyways. You base it on RMS.
  8. shriver187

    shriver187 Full Member

    yes i have some equipment that would fall into ur price range.. u seem to be wanting a 4 channel amp.. however i think u should forget the 6x9's and just do a sub and amp... but if ur dead set on the 6x9's i have 4 channel amps.. and most of the better companies dont even list peak power.. this is a ploy by cheaper companies to trick u into thinking the equipment is higher power then it is... u let me know though cuz i can help u out
  9. magnus28

    magnus28 Member

    I never stated RMS either.. MOST people assume unless you state one or the other, you are talking about peak power... Go look on ANY speaker or box that it came in, or go to any site and look for an amp or speaker, what's the wattage? it might tell you what the RMS, but ALL speakers and Amps are advertised in peak power.
  10. magnus28

    magnus28 Member

    what are we talking about cash? money order? cheque?
  11. magnus28

    magnus28 Member

    i'm sure reputable companies list their high end gear as RMS, but 95% of the other companies don't. I go by what's written on the box. I know it's a cheap ploy to get you to thnk that it's better than it is, but that's advertising... It's like going into a lumber store and asking for a 2x4 .. when in actual fact it's 1 1/2 x 3 1/2 ... still called a 2x4.
  12. shriver187

    shriver187 Full Member

    i take paypal.. its the safest for everyone..